"It's my fault. Atlas would not be this way if we did not get into so many fights. We probably would have gotten along better if we were nice to each other to begin with." I responded as I instead leaned against the wall, looking up at the sky.

My thoughts started going off somewhere. Were Rylan and Meadow okay? Fay was not hurting them, was she? When I get out of here, and if I see a single mark on them anywhere, I will wreak havoc. They must be okay, though. There was no way Fay would do anything to them that she knew would cause her problems with her little game. She was out to get me, not them. They were just pawns in this little game. They held no significance to what was going on. Well, maybe Meadow, seeing as she was our tutor. Teacher? What would you even call her in this world?

"Earth to Fay? Hello?" Sevyn's voice broke through my thoughts, and I looked down, seeing her staring right at me with curiosity fluttering across her face. "You've been daydreaming a lot. Are you okay?"

"I'm just thinking about my friends. Wondering if they are okay and if-'' I trailed off as I realized that Fay would not have had any friends outside of this place.

"Your friends?" Sevyn furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Oh god. Please don't get suspicious.

"Sorry. I meant Arianna's friend. Rylan."I responded to clear up any confusion or suspicion Sevyn might be having. Sevyn still sat there staring at me as if she didn't believe anything I said.

Please. Please believe me.

"I thought you said you didn't get close enough, and the parents got to you."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I did not see that her friend was with her too."

"So why are you worried if they are okay or not?"
"For the game. I need them for the game."

Sevyn must know about Fay's plan and what she was doing to get her revenge. I did not have to explain it to her again. Did I? I looked over at Sevyn, who just sat there staring at me before nodding her head, which made me sigh in relief.

"I honestly don't remember much about the game, but I understand why you want to make sure they are okay," Sevyn responded, getting off the floor as it was now time for us to go back to our cell. But what Sevyn said nagged at the back of my head as we headed inside.

She doesn't remember much about the game. Did I slip up? No.. I couldn't have.
Another day. Same shit. Seriously, can anything interesting happen? I mean, I know we're in jail, but it's like a repeated cycle that never ends. Wake up. Eat. Work. Free time. Sleep. Okay, okay, you get the idea. I already said it so many times, but that's how boring everything is! That's it. I think I'm ready to get out of here. I feel like I've been here too long, and the more time I spend here, the more danger my parents and friends are in. Though I highly doubt Fay has done anything to them, seeing as she's only trying to get a reaction out of me.

I hope.

"I'm going to get out of here. Tonight." I responded, interrupting the conversation between everyone. Atlas scrunched his face up in annoyance as he looked over at me.

"Fucking finally." Nyx sneered, which I ignored as it was not directed to her or Atlas. It was directed to Sevyn—the only person here helping me this entire time.

"Great! We'll be ready to help." Sevyn exclaimed, nodding as she slung her arms around Atlas and Nyx's shoulders, squeezing them.

"Who the fuck is we? I'm not helping her!" Atlas shoved Sevyn's arm off of him as he snarled at me.
I don't want your help either, Jackass.

"The more people, the more this could go all smoothly. And we three are the best to help her out with that." Sevyn explained as she put her arm back over Atlas's shoulder.

"I thought you were going to say we are her friends.."

"I mean, we are.."

"No, the fuck we are not."

Here's another reason for getting out of this place. Atlas. Now, I can deal with Nyx because she barely says anything to me. Mostly just glaring at me while Atlas does all the talking, considering..yeah you already know. But whenever Atlas is around, which has been a lot lately, shit hits the fan. I try to stay quiet and to myself, but as long as my presence is around, he's unhappy.

And I had quite enough of it.

I stood up, slamming my hands on the table, creating a couple of attention our way. Sevyn looked at me, puzzled, as the other two only looked at me as I lost my marbles. Maybe I did.

"Listen. I don't know what your fucking problem with me is.. actually I don't care what your problem with me is, but I am so sick and tired of walking on eggshells around you, and no matter what I do, you're disgusted with me. Who carries hatred within them over a person for this fucking long!? You're not a child. GROW UP." I shouted, my eyebrows furrowing together in anger.


Complete and utter silence.

Until I stumbled backward, my hand flying up to touch my jaw. He punched me. Atlas fucking punched me. That was it. Not only did he show his hatred toward me, but his glares and rude comments, he has also been a lot more violent toward me lately too. I've tried my best not to get into fights with him, and if he did try, I would dodge every single one without fighting back. But you know what? Fuck that. I'm fighting back.

I lunged at Atlas, fists and kicks flying through the air. Each strike was a blur of motion, a symphony of brute force and calculated technique. The impact of our blows reverberated through the air, punctuated by grunts of exertion. Just like with the two boys from the other day, no one, not even the guards, moved to stop us. No one said a word. They all watched as if it was just another day.

Our fight intensified, neither one of us slowing down our attacks. Though it's clear from our heavy breathing and stumbling that one of us will give out, stubbornness takes hold of us. But as we both swing, Sevyn steps in again, grabbing our fists and twisting our arms so we have no choice but to wince and fall onto our knees.

"This has been going on long enough!" Sevyn boomed, glaring down at our beaten forms. However, Atlas looked more beaten than I was, making me triumphantly smile. But the smile quickly faded as Sevyn tightened her grip on our fists.

"Ow.. I think this hurts more than all these bruises I have." I whined, grabbing Sevyn's wrist and trying to pry her away.

"The rivalry between you guys is ridiculous. I've had enough of it." Sevyn stated as she let go of us before crossing her arms. "Atlas, you are helping, and that is final. So will Nyx. Now, I will see you guys tonight. No more fighting." With that, she turned on her heel and went outside.


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