Window Visits 🩷

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||Akito POV||

Sometimes, when Toya gets into arguments with his dad, he sneaks out of his window and goes to mine. He rarely gives me any warning. If he's not too scared to take the time to send me a quick message to say that he's coming over, he will. But lately, he's been coming over more and more frequently, with less and less warning. It terrifies me, but I haven't had the time to talk to him about it. He's either too exhausted and just needs to crash, or too upset to talk.

I always tried not to be too touchy feely with him, I can never be sure whether he's as comfortable with physical touch as I am. Maybe if i had the guts to just tell him how I feel, things would be different. But every time I try, it just comes out as a jumble of words, some not even related to the topic. Regardless, I try to comfort him as much as possible. My family knows that Toya makes these visits and Ena makes fun of us for it. I tell her a million times at once that we're just friends, but she's about as convinced as I am.

I've learned to expect the surprise visits at this point. I bought more clothes and a toothbrush for whenever they happen. Everything else, he borrows from me, and I let him.

I heard my window opening. It was already left slightly open for whenever Toya needs it. I turned around and sure enough, there he is. His eyes were puffy and his eyes were red. He had obviously been crying.

I look at him, concerned. "Toya... what-" He cut me off. Running the few meters towards me, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug, burying his face in my neck. I returned the hug, weaving my fingers in his hair. Toya took a deep breath, clearly at ease with my presence. His breath was shaky, but he seemed content.

Eventually, he pulled away from the hug, wiping away leftover tears from his face with his hand. "Sorry, I didn't even say hello." His lip was still quivering slightly, but he gave a soft smile.

"It's ok, you don't have to." I tucked a stray piece of hair back behind Toya's ear. The two of us had never kissed or said anything like 'I love you', but anyone who saw us would immediately think that we were dating. I think that we were quite happy with our current relationship status, but I wanted more than anything to make it official, or at least take it one step further. I had promised myself that the next time deemed appropriate, I would try even harder to ask him out. I had practiced what I wanted to say many times, hoping that when it came to the real thing, it would stick.

I rested my hand on Toya's cheek, cupping his face and looking into his eyes. He returned the gesture. resting his hand over mine. I didn't want that moment to end in a million years. There were other people in the house who could walk in at any time, but in that moment, it was just us, and me planning what to do next.

Without even a knock, my bedroom door opened, revealing my sister, Ena. "Is Toya here again- well, well, well." She leaned against the door frame with her arms folded when she saw us.

I pulled myself away from Toya and snapped back at her. "Ena!!! Get out of my fucking room and leave us alone!!!!"

"Alone to do what?"

I could feel my face flushing red, hyper aware of my best friend behind me. "We're just friends! Get out!" I pointed in her direction, gesturing her to leave. I turned back towards Toya, who also looked slightly red in the face. "I'm so sorry about her. She has this stupid-" I was once again cut off. This time by something that I wanted to be the one to do.

A kiss.

I felt Toya's soft lips press against mine, hand on my cheek, gently rubbing it with his thumb. It was only a few seconds before I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss myself, gripping onto Toya's shirt slightly.

He pulled away, finally saying something. "I've always wanted to do that... and I know you have too." He ran his fingers through my hair as he said this, sending chills down my spine. All I could do was nod in response, looking from his eyes to his lips. I gripped his shirt tighter, pulling him back in for another kiss, this one slightly deeper.

"...You're an ass." Was all I could say back. I took his hand and pulled him over to my bed, gesturing for him to lay down next to me. Toya gladly obeyed and immediately snuggled into my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his two-toned blue hair, and I felt him immediately relax.

Shortly after, we both fell asleep.

I woke up to a shadow hanging over me. Toya was exactly where he was the night before, still fast asleep. Eyes still adjusting, I looked up to see Ena hanging over us, smirking.

"I knew it. Gays."

Suddenly, I forgot all about the sleeping Toya next to me.


Naturally, Toya snapped awake. "Akito, what's wrong,"

I blushed and averted my eyes. "Nothing. Come on, let's get some breakfast."

I was about to stand up when I felt Toya's hand wrap around my wrist, holding me back. "Just a second, don't I deserve a morning kiss?" My face went completely red. How was he being so cute all of a sudden?! However, I didn't decline. I tucked Toya's bed-messy hair behind his ear before leaning in to kiss him. He immediately softened into it, wrapping his arms around my neck. As we pulled away, he lifted my chin up before planting another small kiss on the tip of my nose. "Now, come on, let's go."

Akitoya Oneshots <3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat