Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

He stands abruptly and goes to storm off. You grab onto his right arm firmly to stop him. "But what I will tell you", You say softly, "I am sorry for what you had to go through as a child". His body tensed under your grasp. You noticed his head cock to partially look at you. "Noone, especially a child should have to go through what you had to go through."

His body relaxed subtly, but he removed his arm from your grasp and walked back into the suite. Your ears perked when you heard clanking of what sounded like glass. He walks back out onto the balcony with two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He takes his seat, opens the bottle, and pours you and him a glass. He hands you yours and you nod your head, thanking him.

This whiskey warmed your body but burned your throat. It was something you enjoyed. Pain and pleasure. A few moments pass and he breaks the silence, "The other night, you made a comment." Your eyes shoot to him confused. "Fuck love." A solemn look falls over your face. You remove your eyes from him and back to the Eifel Tower. The whiskey in your hand, you chug back – your face scrunching up from the bitterness. You grab the bottle of whiskey and pour yourself another one.

A tingling feeling wrapped around your body. Drinking on an empty stomach was never a great idea. You knew he didn't ask directly, but also knew what he was getting at. You let a few minutes go by before opening your mouth, "I was engaged." You take another gulp. It felt weird being that you had never told anyone this story and was hoping you would take this to the grave, but something about him, you knew you were safe and could trust.

"We were together for three years. The best three years of my life" you pause, "Or so I thought." Another gulp of whiskey. "He was the best. He made me laugh like no one else could. We went places together. Everyone loved him. Even my par-"you stop yourself. You finish your second glass of whiskey and pour yourself another.

That warm buzzed feeling filled your body and the heat between your legs made itself known. You swallow hard. "My parents loved him" you finished. You took a few more swigs before speaking again, your words becoming slightly slurred. "S-sorry. I've never talked about this to anyone be-before." He says nothing, but his eyes say it all. 'I know'.

"Th-the day my parents were murdered, I had heard commotion downstairs. I was in my room and didn't know wh-what was going on. I walk out, and see a bunch of men in masks, but there was one man in particular I will never forget." You take another sip. "He was tall. German accent and wore what looked like a t-shirt with holes cut in it over his face".

"Konig" Ghost says immediately.


"He's the lieutenant for The Shadows. Grimy fucker." You could hear the hatred in his voice.

The alcohol finally made it into your system, and you felt great, "Yeah, that guy." Ghost looked at you and chuckled. The warmth between your legs became more intense. You hated the way he made you feel. No, you loved it, but hated it at the same time.

"An-anyway. Long story short" you slur, "He was working for The Shadows and was only using me to get to my family. He killed my dad in front of me and two other men forced me to watch." You clench your teeth and look up to the sky hoping this keeps the tears from falling down your face.

"Sam." His name left his lips. He wasn't questioning but telling you.

You jerk your head towards him with tears at the brim of your eyes, "How did you know?"

"You scream his name in your sleep." Thoughts of the night terrors you have been having invaded your mind. Another sip of whiskey passes through your lips.

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