Shelves (Off/Gun) - Bubble Love

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Author's note: Part 12/??

Off lay spread on his kingsized bed, eyes closed and a goofy grin on his face. The day spent with Gun and the kids was like a dream come true. His house had never been so alive. Observing the cute kindergarten teacher running around the kitchen, taking dishes from the shelves and arranging the food felt so freaking fulfilling. Off felt like a lovestruck teenager. 

Gun went home an hour ago, and he helped him to put Akin and Nirin to bed before he left with Win a Bibi. Off didn't want to let him go and tried to convince him to stay overnight. But Gun was a reasonable adult, arguing he didn't bring anything for Win for the night. It took Off a lot of self-control not to lock Gun in his house. 

The beep of his phone pulled him out of the reminiscing. He picked it up from the nightstand, peeking at the display. His smile grew wider when he saw a text message from his lovely man. 

"I enjoyed today. I hope we can repeat it."

"I would love to... maybe without a kids?"  He typed, holding his breath as he taped on the sending button. 

"Are you asking me on a date?" 

Off grinned, nodding his head even though Gun couldn't see him. He shuffled to the sitting position, leaning his back against the headboard. 

"Maybe... Will you say yes?" 


Gun's answer made him scream in happiness. The life was freaking good.

OffGun September Collection of Drabbles 2023Where stories live. Discover now