"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Did you hurt yourself?" The boy asked. "I didn't see you. Really. This thing is of no use to me." A little surprised, I sat there on the floor and stared at him in confusion. Wow.

"Everything's just fine, I didn't watch my steps either." I said gently. He stood up relieved.

"Ugh, thank god. Are you all right?" He asked with a smile and held out his hand but I stood up on my own. He pulled his hand back.

"Yes, everything's okay. How about you?"

"Yes, I'm fine too, thank you." I took a closer look at him. He had black, ruffled hair, green eyes and was as tall as me, at most a few centimetres taller. He wore round glasses. He seemed nice. "Sorry, if I talked so much right away. I was worried. Thank you, Mum." He said the last three words sarcastically, so I had to grin a little. "My mum is just a caring and nice person. It's great, but it can also get annoying." He then said with pressed lips together. "Wow I meet a new person and the first thing I talk about is my mum. Sorry. I don't know where that came from."

"No problem, as long as we don't talk about my parents." I grinned at him.

"Cool, I will always talk about my mum and your parents will remain a mystery." He laughed. I laughed too.

IV: He is sweet. We found your future husband, Lily.

Be a quiet inner voice, no one wants you here.

IV: You're into him.

No, I'm not! I'm eleven, I'm not into boys yet!

IV: He is something special. He is caring. You don't want to be treated badly anymore, this boy would treat you like his personal princess. And by the way, you say words like "shit" and "fucking" every day, mentally, you are in your late teenage years.

Firstly, I don't want to be a princess, especially not for just one person and secondly, I've known him for a minute, so please just shut up. I don't trust you.

IV: Still because of the incident? That was four years ago.

You and the gut feeling are to blame for the fact that my life is now hell. My father and my brother are beating me because of you.

IV: But your big mouth remains?

Shut up!

May I introduce my super annoying and contradictory inner voice, which apparently can never shut her stupid mouth.

IV: I think that's a bit nasty.

I said shut up!

Anyway, he now took my jacket and put it on a table.

"Sorry. I didn't want to ruin it." He murmured guiltily.

"Stop blaming yourself. It's not ruined at all. We can just clean the jacket." I smiled. He took a napkin and tried doubtfully to clean the jacket. But he distributed it rather. I shook my head with a grin. Kind of cute, this clumsy thingy.


Yes, okay, I like him a bit, but it doesn't mean that we're getting married.

"I think you're making it worse right now." I grinned and shook my head.

"Now that you say it." He said and threw the napkin, along with the, now dirty, ice cream into the trash.

"Harry, couldn't you wait a minute to eat your ice cream?" A man's voice asked, laughing. I turned around. Apart from the eyes, the man looked just like the boy, who was apparently called Harry. Harry. A beautiful name. Inner voice, please hold back.

"I couldn't get to it, Dad. I'm ran into-" Harry looked at me, slightly expectantly.

"Lily." I introduced myself.

"Thank you. I ran into Lily and the ice fell down." He explained to his dad, slightly bitter. "This has also made the jacket dirty." He finished the statement. His dad nodded understandingly.

"You are not allowed to do magic outside of school, but since I am no longer in Hogwarts, I can take care of it." He said briefly and conjured up the jacket clean.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"No problem. I'm James Potter." He waved off. I smiled.

"Ehm Hi, I'm Lily... Last name is unimportant. But you already know my name. Harry just introduced me." I introduced myself, once again.

"What a coincidence.. My wife's name is also Lily." He said fascinated.

"It's actually a common name, but well, you don't meet many people, who have the same name as someone else you know." I said shrugging.

"Well, well, well. I didn't expect to see her here, James. Don't you have to fight against, in you opinion, bad people. As an Auror, you always have to be there. At least they are when I'm in the ministry." A familiar voice said, all the sudden. My father. No, no, no. I'm talking to the Potters. My father absolutely hates the family. I was fascinated earlier that I was just talking to the Potters, after all they defeated Voldemort, but I didn't let it be noticed. They always had to be addressed to the Voldemort thing. That has to burden them. Being famous is a blessing and a curse.

Yeah, my father friend to be friends with James, since the Potters were Voldemorts defeaters, so maybe even more evil. And James was like: ,,No, bitch" So my father went like: ,,I hate you" and then last year, he went to Draco and was like: ,,Become friends with Harry Potter, because maybe he could be a dark wizard" and then, when Draco had 2 chances, he screwed up. Idiot.

"I didn't expect to see you here either, Lucius. After all, you never deal with lower class people like us otherwise." James said, imitating my father perfectly. I laughed. He was right, yes. My father was a person who thinks he is something better. Unfortunately, he had heard that I was laughing. Okay, I was dead. Why was I laughing so loud?

"You? What are you doing here with the Potters?"

"Do you know him?" Harry asked me.

"Does she know me? That's my daughter." Father said rather contemptuously than proudly. What can I expect?

"I told you, my last name is unimportant." I said, shrugging, to Harry.

,,Unimportant. Please, the Malfoys are very much appreciated in the wizarding world." He said half laughing, half contempt.

"Not from me." I shot back. Father looked at me contemptuously. "Money does not make you a good person, father. Just makes you a bigger idiot." I turned back to Harry. ,,I swear, I am not a second Draco Malfoy. I would probably die. And throw up. And die again because I suffocated in the vomit. Which would be a very dignified death for a person like my brother."

"We have to go now. Draco is already waiting." Father took my arm and pulled me with him. Oh Merlin, I am in huge trouble, when I get back home.

Another Malfoy - Lilith Malfoy -Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant