Altria (Artoria) Avalon - Much Needed Care

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Being a hardworking office worker is tough. Yet, it's worth the trouble. But even so, you pushed yourself too hard that you often tumbling down from exhaustion. Your co-workers are worried for your wellbeing, but you don't mind it. As long that you get paid well enough, it's worth the trouble.

However, your manager had enough of your overworking, so much so that when they brought you to their office, they 'suspended' you for a week just to make you rest. You protested, but you really can't argue with your manager, so you relented.

As you walk back to your apartment, you found a bench nearby and sit for a while. You pondered of why your manager won't let you work harder than anyone else, because in truth, you've become a workaholic for the longest time. And because of that, you won't be satisfied until you finished all of the work, even those that're supposed to be worked on at a later date.

You keep staring at the evening sky, feeling empty but also tired from the tiredness that caught up to you.

'What am I gonna do now...' You thought, 'All I ever do is eat, work, and sleep. I don't have any hobbies, interests, or anything other than work...' You sigh as you begin standing up. However, the same tiredness feeling is still taking over your body, as you struggle to keep up.

'I'll just... go back... to wo-' And thus, your body have reached the limit, forcing yourself to shut down and fall unconscious...

However, you did caught a glimpse of a long blonde hair approaching you, but that's the extend of it...

~~ >> ~~

Beep... Beep... Beep...

The sound of the vital monitor slowly wake you up from the unconsciousness. You look around and slowly digest the new information that you gathered from looking around. You're in a hospital room, and you were passed out from the accumulated exhaustion.

'Then who brought me here?' Was your next question. You did remember the blonde hair before you passed out, but that's about it. Were they the one who brought you here? But before you could think any further, you heard a knock where the doctor and the nurse came in to check on you. The doctor filled you in that you only suffered a complete exhaustion, and you have to stay here for a few days from now. 

"Hang on." You asked the doctor after taking a big gulp of the glass of water provided by the nurse. "The one who brought me here... are they still here?"

"She is, in fact. If you like, we can bring her in." You now learned that your... savior is a woman, matching the possibility of her hair. You then agreed of bringing her here, which the doctor and the nurse then leave to bring your savior. After eating some apple slices, the door then opens again, as your savior enters the room.

As said before, your savior is a tall adult woman with the matching long blonde hair, with light green eyes, white and black dress with gold accents, and a blue bow behind her hair. Your savior is relieved when she sees you being well.

"Thank goodness that you're alright. If I didn't rushed you to the hospital, who knows what'll happen to you..." She said with a hint of worry in her voice. "But in any case, I'm glad that you've recovered."

You thanked her for saving you, and then introduced yourself to her. In return, your savior does the same, which you now know her name as Altria. She then explained how she found you and her slight panicking over what to do with you.

Yet despite the pleasantries, you looked at the clock nearby and panicked over the time. Altria asked you why, which you answered that you have to work right now.

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