As much as she is playing this off, she is doing the right thing. Some witches can be stubborn, according to Hazel, so the fact that she has changed the entrenched belief her forebears once shared is quite incredible.

"Where is this sacred site?" I ask, trying to bring the conversation back to the point.

"Hazel can take you to it," Kimsa tells me. She takes a stray piece of paper and scribbles something on it. "It needs a witch to access it. Give her this. She will understand."

Whatever she has written, I can't read it. It's in an entirely different language.

"What are the steps?" I ask the question to Sire because he doesn't look at me, but it's Kimsa that responds.

"You must step onto the dais and drink from the ancient pond together. Then, you must exchange vows in our language, drink a small amount of each other's blood and..." she breaks off, grimacing a little.

"And what?" I push, trying not to gag at the thought of having to taste blood.

"The ceremony will not be complete until you have come together in the most intimate of fashions. The magic will then be sealed, and it will spread across the land, killing the curse," she says quickly, practically all in one breath.

I wilt in my seat, realising what that means. "Oh great."

I look back at Sire, who is finally staring at me. There is a cold, quiet darkness shimmering in his eyes as he contemplates the meaning of Kimsa's words.

We have to sleep together, essentially. That is how we seal the alignment forever.

I can't tell what is worse...Doing that, or being connected to him even more intimately than a mate bond forever.

"It must either be between the ancient Alpha and his mate, or his mate and whoever the reigning Alpha is," Kimsa adds quickly before pressing her lips together.

"What?" Sire growls.

My mouth falls open a little. "You're joking."

"This was written into the curse they chanted, although I doubt they intended it how we interpret it," she explains.

"What do you mean?" Sire demands, his anger growing with every passing moment.

She leans forward, flipping the book open. She draws her finger down to the bottom, where she points a line out to him.

"They would have assumed you would emerge from the tomb and take back your Pack immediately. They were not fools, they assumed you would rule again, and so they wrote into the curse mention of the Alpha, which at the moment, is not you," she tells him tightly.

Sire shakes his head, jutting up from his chair. "It doesn't matter. I'm still her mate, and it counts."

Kimsa looks at me as I remain quiet.

"Yes. It does," she breathes.


Want more?? This story is available 10 chapters ahead on Goodnovel! (: 

Want more?? This story is available 10 chapters ahead on Goodnovel! (: 

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"...I've never had an orgasm before!" I blurt out, backing away a few steps.

He sits up, dark hair ruffled and messy from the fingers I ran through it. His eyes, once wide, slowly darken.

"You what?" He breathes.

~Midika 💜🐼

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~Midika 💜🐼

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