"George, why does this doughnut have a smidge of pink frosting on it? You're not trying to vary my diet, are you, because you know how much I wouldn't appreciate that," Lockwood said without looking up. I swallowed the lump in my throat and moved around the table, pulling out the chair beside him. "George, it's unlike you to be so silent. Why won't you just answer the question?"

                When silence ensued Lockwood finally looked up. His eyes widened, his jaw hanging low as he gazed at me in complete shock.

                "Lucy," he breathed, reaching out to cup my face. Then, as though I'd tried to bite him, he recoiled, his chair scraping backwards across the floor. "Not again," he whispered, the doughnut dropping to floor with a squelch. "I can't bear it." He stood up in one fluid motion, his hands in taught fists by his sides. "You're not real, are you? You never are."

                Lockwood turned away but I reached out, clutching him by the arm. He looked down at my fingers uncomprehendingly, and then back into my eyes.

                "Usually, when I touch you, you vanish," he said, his voice low and eyes hazy. "This isn't like all those other dreams. And usually we're somewhere nice, like the beach or the cinema, and I'm dressed up and you look gorgeous in a summer dress."

                "They sound like cruel dreams," I said softly, slowly rising to my feet. I was eye level with him now; even though he was far taller than me he was slouching so much I could look directly at him without tilting my head back. "But this isn't a dream."

                "You're real? I'm not sure if that's better or worse," Lockwood's voice was hoarse now, his gaze back in focus as he studied me, looking me up and down. "What are the papers for?"

                "You might want to sit down," I said, clearing my throat as I took a step away from him, my hand dropping to my sides. When I looked over at George I noticed he immediately turned around and pretended to be fiddling with the kettle. "We have a lot to discuss."


                "It all has to have some kind of connection," Lockwood said, beginning to pace up and down the room. He looked more alive than he had in a long time, and I felt for the first time since I'd arrived that I'd made the right decision in coming. "It's too much to be a coincidence. They were all at the meeting together, a meeting in which everyone dies but Winkman, Fairfax and Penelope Fittes, seeing as she was supposed to be there but wasn't. My mother escapes but is killed at one of Fairfax's houses. Why? What is the link here that draws it all together?"

                "It's something to do with the Problem, obviously," George said, stirring his tea as he stared into the amber liquid, the steam fogging up his glasses. Sighing he took them off and rubbed them on his sweater. "They were all important people in the world of Visitors, although I imagine your parents would have been some of the least influential. No offence or anything."

                "None taken George," Lockwood said, though he appeared distracted, his steps slowing. "What if-" he began, tapping his finger against his chin. He came to a standstill, nearly running into the back of a chair. "What if it's all to do with technology?" He slid into the seat, crossing one leg over the other as he pondered the idea. "Yes. I think that has to be it." He turned to us both, eyes gleaming, a grin tugging at his lips. "Do you remember when we were at Combe Carey Hall and Fairfax had that strange helmet and goggles? I think it all has to do with that, and possibly some rather dangerous testing."

                "Testing?" I blurted out, shocked by the idea. "You don't mean... You think he was using Combe Carey for unlawful testing? I mean, we knew it was a testing facility, but you think he sent people in there?"

                "That's exactly what I mean Luce," he said, beaming his megawatt smile. "And I think it's highly likely not all of those people survived. I think it's very possible that that was what the meeting was about."

                "What does that have to do with your mother?" I asked, watching him closely for any signs of distress. But he appeared to be in his element, at the heart of an important case.

                "I'm not sure yet. But I'm certainly going to find out."

                "Lucy, that thing on your neck," George said, frowning as he studied the mark. "You didn't burn yourself, did you?"


                "It was Finn, wasn't it," Lockwood growled, suddenly intense as he leant towards me, tucking my hair behind my ear. He studied it for a moment, his breathing coming in ragged bursts. He stood up abruptly, his hand falling to the hilt of his rapier. "I'll kill him."

                "Lockwood, please," I said, pulling him roughly back into the seat. I looked away for a moment, taking a second to calm my nerves. "It was a mistake."

                "What was Lucy?" Lockwood asked, his tone full of anger.

                "He thought I wanted him, and he was wrong. It wasn't his fault, and it didn't go any further than that. I'm fine."

                "Who do you want?" Lockwood's voice was gentler now, and I looked down at where my hand still clutched his, a single tear landing in my lap.

                "I don't know," I murmured.

                I heard the chair scrape back as Lockwood violently pulled his fingers from mine. I jumped as the kitchen door slammed in his wake, his footsteps thundering up the stairs.

                "He won't be wanting green frosting anymore," George said, reaching down to pick the doughnut up off the floor. I'd almost forgotten it was there and I watched, numb, as George passed me the plate. "Doughnut?"

So, some interesting stuff going on with Lucy, eh? Who enjoyed this chapter??? Don't worry for those Locklyle fans, I'm sure George will sort it out next chapter ;D

I would just like to point out that the first paragraph is not my own, I took that from the Screaming Staircase at the point where she first sees 35 Portland Row.

Thankyou for all your support and hopefully no one will kill me over the fact that Lucy is agonising over Finn and Lockwood. I might have to install some body guards... Who's ready for the epic Finn and Lockwood showdown at the house next chapter? I know I am ;)

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