Rush pt2

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"Aww did your playmate get upset that the play date was ruined?" Robyn fake pouts before bursting into laughter.

"Yo Rob you serious right now?"

"What?" She innocently questions. "Look just tell your play thing—"

"Woah woah first off her name is Gabby, okay? Secondly you & I both know that play things never have been & never will be my thing. That's a good friend of mine, and all of that petty crap you was just trying to be on, also isn't my thing."

"Okay number one my father no longer attends this school so don't try to check me like you're him. You & I both know having someone little girl me isn't my thing. Number two who said anything about me trying to be petty?"

"You got amnesia all of sudden?" I question before shaking my head.

Along with being a somewhat good friend of mine, Robyn also is my ex. The relationship started out good between us, but of course there was some issues in the mix and they caused us to go our separate ways. We went a good few months without seeing each other until a mutual friend threw a party one Saturday night and we accidentally bumped into each other. And from that night the friendship we had before was rekindled. We ended up ditching the party, grabbing some all star meals from Waffle House and watching rerun episodes of Martin back in my room.

"My bad, okay? I came inside and asked where you were and the guys said you were still in here but they failed to mention that you were in here with a friend. It was a harmless joke and I didn't mean anything by it. You know me, J." She looks up at me with those hazel brown eyes of hers, giving me the puppy dog expression.

Maybe her coming into the house and my room was innocent, because she didn't know and neither did the guys. Honestly when Gabby did come by everyone was gone except Kaleb, and by the time everyone else came in, he was on his way out to head to class. However that still doesn't excuse the antics she always manages to pull. I shake my head at her before bowing it down, "yeah I do know you. And I also know you've pulled this same stunt before; and this is the third time might I add."

With a confused expression written all over her face, she pulls back from me, "wait, time out. What do you mean I've pulled the same stunt before?"

"Just like I said, Rob. Same stunt before. You see me with a girl and you walk up & call out pet names like we're a couple and have them looking upside my head like they're stupid & I'm playing them."

"Come on J, you know that has nothing to do with me. You just choose to get yourself involved with insecure women ever since we broke up, and of course word may have gotten around that we were once a thing, so there may be some jealousy along the way as well. It's not my fault that they can't handle you still being friends with your ex. Tell them to lose the insecurities and gain some confidence. Damn."

I release a non-amusing chuckle from my mouth all while scratching above my right eyebrow as I try to gather my words correctly. Aside from the women in my family, Robyn knows what to say to push my buttons. She knows what to do to get a reaction out of my reaction. Hell fifty percent of our relationship was filled with that. We were a couple in love and a couple that argued. We never fought each other though, that's something we agreed on from the very beginning; we agreed that once we reached the point of fighting then it was time to leave each other alone for good. And since we didn't, and we were always fueled up with anger, frustration and didn't fully get everything out verbally, those arguments of ours always led to some great, passionate, rough but consensual makeup sex. The way we went at it if anyone ever heard us or seen the aftermath right after they would've thought we threw hands at each other. Scratches were left, her hair being all over the place, hickeys all over, not being able to walk or speak clearly. It was a lot, but at the end of it we were relaxed and there weren't any more problems. Until new ones were started up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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