Chapter 5: The Inconveniencing

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(At the shack)

Dipper: *Looking in the journal* Mabel, (y/n), do you believe in ghosts?

(Y/n): Totally!

Mabel: *Spinning on a globe* I believe you're a big dork! *laughs*

Dipper: *Stops the spinning globe making Mabel fall*

Mabel: Wha!!

Grunkle Stan: *comes in* Soos, Wendy.

Soos: *Runs a short way over* What's up Mr. Pines?

Grunkle Stan: I'm heading out, you two are gonna wash the bathrooms right?

Soos: Yes sir!

Wendy: Absolutely not.

Grunkle Stan: Ha ha! You stay out of trouble. *Heads out*

Wendy: Hey guys, what's this! *Pulls aside a curtain and reveals a ladder* A secret ladder to the roof!

Soos: uhh, I don't think Mr. Pines would like that.

Wendy: *Pretends to touch the ladder* Uh!

Soos: Uh...

Wendy: Uh!

Soos: You're freaking me out dude!

Dipper: Can we actually go up there?

Wendy: Sure we can! Roof time! Roof time!

Dipper, Mabel, and (y/n): Roof time! Roof time!

Dipper, Mabel, (y/n), and Wendy: *Climbed up the roofs of the shack to a secret hide away*

Wendy: All right, check it out!

Mabel: Woah!

Dipper: Woah, cool!

(Y/n): Nice!

Dipper: Did you put all this stuff up here?

Wendy: I may or may not sneak up here during work, all the time, everyday. *grabs a pinecone and throws it at the totem that has a target taped to it* Yes!

Dipper and Mabel: *Starts throwing pinecones and miss every time*

(Y/n): Ah this is easy! *throws 3 pinecones in the air, turns into her dragon form, hits them all with her tail, and all three lands on the bullseye* Bullseye!!

Wendy: Nice shot!

Dipper: *Throws another pinecone which hits a car making it go off*

(Y/n): Hey, nice one!

Wendy: Jackpot! High-five!

Dipper: *Lingers for a moment*

Wendy: Don't leave me hanging.

Dipper: *Snaps out of it and reuters the high-five* Ha!

*Car pulls up*

Wendy: Oh hey, it's my friends! Uh, you guys aren't gonna tell Stan about this are you?

Dipper: *Zips his mouth*

Wendy: *Does the same* Later dorks! *Slides from tree to tree to the ground and leaves with her friends*

Dipper: Later Wendy! *Laughs weirdly* *Sigh* good times...

Mabel: Uh-oh!

Dipper: What?

Mabel: Somebody's in love~!

(Y/n): Ooh, I can see it too~!

Dipper: Pish, yeah right, I just think Wendy's cool okay. It's not like a lay awake at night thinking about her.

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