Entry 4, The Start Of Strange Rumors

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I was just tending to my usual obligations when I was walking past some minnows and overhearing a frightful conversation that they were having.

Apparently, there was some talk about some sort of monstrous variant of Zora, of one with strange side fins and pure black eyes. I assumed at first they were just playing, but the more I continued to hear these conversations, the more worried I became about their safety. As a prince, it was my duty to ensure the safety of all residents in the Domain, especially our younger ones, who tend to get into trouble without meaning to.

Then the talk began to spread among the guards, which most likely meant that this was not just some figment of the minnows' imagination, that there was some strange Zora out there.

Now, there are Zora that exist outside our Domain. They come from another land, but they appear just like us. The same features we have, everything. They do not have strange side fins, or pure black eyes.

A part of me worries... Could another great evil be coming our way? Could our people be getting possessed by an evil force? After getting out recently from The Great Calamity, was another tribulation heading our way yet again? Will the fight ever stop for an extended period of time? Will it ever look up?

Another part of me tells me to hold it together, to think rationally about this matter, and to do what I can to investigate more into it. After all, not everything may be as they appear at first sight. I plan tomorrow night to be searching into our archives for answers about another sect of Zora, to see if I can get any leads on this matter.

There has been discussions from the Council that I have overheard... Discussions that I am not yet fit for the throne, and it seems that my father agrees with them. They say I am still too inexperienced, that I have yet to reach Mipha's level.

That kind of talk hurts me. To compare us, two who are so different. We are siblings, we should not be compared in such a way, especially since Mipha was no longer here with us. I try my best, I truly do, but if you are anything but perfection, the Council will be right there to point out your every flaw.

If they are still like this in your time, Goddess Hylia forbid, then I suggest you keep matters as formal as possible with them. Do not get too personal, for they will use that against you, too. Even Mipha kept secrets from them, and they adored her. If the pride of the Zora had to keep secrets, then however am I to fare?

Haha, this entry became a bit dreary. My apologies, it is just I have a lot on my mind concerning the Council and these strange rumors. I just have to take it one day at a time.

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