"You have to move Optimus!" Shane yelled as he caught sight of more missiles.

"Everyone! Brace yourselves!" Elizabeth shouted when saw the explosions before them.

Before anyone else could utter a word, Optimus was transforming and skidding across the pavement. Cade and Shane were the first to hit the ground, but Elizabeth and Tessa were sent rolling near the Prime's feet. Everything was happening extremely fast as Elizabeth managed to pull herself to her feet and grabbed onto Tessa's arm to pull her up. The two girls barely managed to clear Optimus' peds before a silver semi truck came barreling into him. Transforming into a familiar mech, it started fighting against Optimus. Elizabeth couldn't help but gasp at the familiarity of the being, but in her heart, she couldn't bring herself to believe that this was possible.

"Tessa!" Cade's panicked voice echoed from down the freeway.

Grabbing a hold of the teenager's arm, Elizabeth dragged the girl towards the side of the road. Dropping down onto the pavement, she dropped her bag and immediately started to pull out her rifle and shakily began to load the bullets.

"What are you doing!?" Tessa screamed as she huddled against the car.

"The only thing I know that can help! Stay put!" Elizabeth snapped before she took off running across the street.

Debris was flying everywhere as Optimus and this new being battled on, but Elizabeth knew that she had to ignore it and make it to a safe place to take aim from. Watching as Optimus continued to fight, Elizabeth winced when she saw how harshly the Autobot hit the ground. Laying by the side of the road, she sighted in and waited for the manmade machine to turn around to face her. After what felt like an eternity, the machine finally turned to face her and she lined up her shot with it's optics. Taking a shaky breath, She finally released a shot and managed to nail the machine in the left optic. A shout of pain escaped the machine's metallic lips as it stumbled backwards a few paces from Optimus. Turning on it's heels, the machine locked it's one workable optic on the woman. Getting up to her feet, she watched as the machine took a few intimidating steps towards her. However, the steps seemed heavy and forced as it came up closer. Slowly, it raised it's right arm and a cannon materialized that pointed straight for her.

"Elizabeth! Galvatron, your fight is with me!" Optimus' voice shouted from behind the being.

"Elizabeth Witwicky." Galvatron spoke with an almost soft expression.

Standing in fear of being blasted by the cannon, Elizabeth stared in shock at the machine. His voice was so familiar, and the way they had manufactured his helm was giving her flashbacks of a certain evil Cybertronian warlord. The sounds of shouting could be heard somewhere behind her. Cade and Shane were both panicked at the sight of their new friend staring death in the face, and the fact that Galvatron was closing in on her made them all fear for her life. The cannon suddenly whirled to life and the ominous glow of the laser started to swirl in her face, however, it seemed like Galvatron was hesitating.

"Aren't you going to shoot me?" Her voice quivered slightly as she glanced up into the eyes of the machine.

"Elizabeth Witwicky. Ordered to terminate." Galvatron spoke before he lowered his arm slightly.

Staring at Galvatron, she couldn't help but wonder if this was Megatron's processor that was overtaking the machine's programing. Hoping that Megatron would be able to pull through, she took a glance past him and towards the stumbling Autobot leader. However, a moment after Optimus was on his peds, a missile blew past her and hit the Prime in the shoulder. Turning on her heel, she saw the Cybertronian that Optimus spoke about, Lockdown, approaching them. The sounds of a transformation behind her filled her ears and suddenly a silver semi truck came barreling past her and out of sight. It only took her a moment to realize that the truck was Galvatron, which at first confused her since it seemed like they were on the same side. Lockdown stepped by Elizabeth without giving her any regard and continued on towards the fallen Prime.

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