The words hit a cord in her, and I glanced up to see Parker wink at me when she stilled below him. Her struggle turned to the slightest squirm, and there was no doubt his other hand was moving down the lower crease of her ass. With a nod, I pushed back from the desk. Seconds later, his hand smacked against the same place. Something between a moan and a yelp echoed in the room when he made contact.

"See, she's perfect. Can I keep her?" Parker's eyes lit up in anticipation.

"No. You can't keep her. She's not even supposed to be part of the exhibits in this art show because of the clientele." I shot him a warning look and scowled.


"Mr. Chase, if you continue down this line of discussion, I will find myself in need of contacting my employer about the situation."

His hands released his grip like she was on fire and stepped away so quickly he nearly tripped over the chair behind him. On my desk, Samantha didn't move a muscle and the daze look across her face told me everything I needed to know. This situation was about to get complicated, and I was going to be the bad guy.

In something akin to a drunken stupor, she pushed off the desk but shuffled on her feet. A misstep sent her tumbling backwards, and Parker caught her in his arms, going to the floor with her in his protective embrace.

"Shhh. It's okay. I've got you. Let the ethereal, floaty sensation sweep you away. You're safe," he crooned in a hushed, soothing murmur against her ear. He dared to glance up at me twice, searching for a response. But I offered nothing, my expression as unreadable as a stone carving, neither giving nor denying him the affirmation he silently sought.

"Where's the paperwork?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I crossed my arms and leaned on my desk.

"On top of the pile marked 'Art Show Waivers'. The exception paperwork is attached."

"And if it goes wrong or something happens to her?"

"Then we'll deal with an Eyes Wide Shut scenario, but I don't think we've got anything to worry about. She's high on the concept of the adventure. Imagine what she'll be like when she embraces it."

"That's what I'm afraid of." I stared at the ceiling as my mind raced through the various possibilities. "One show. If it goes wrong, I'm throwing you under the entire fleet of buses, and we'll see how your legacy ass handles an auction."

"Don't threaten me with a good time, Alexandra."

"You're incorrigible."

Parker laughed, then soothed Samantha when she stirred in his arms.

"Yeah. I know. Besides, think of the delicious mind games we can play knowing we bent the rules. Something I believe you are exceedingly good at doing."

"And something I can't do in this position. Hypocrisy and double standards have no place in a position of leadership."

"You think that's what this is?" His face contorted as he tilted his head and shook it. "We're pawns on a game board. Embrace the fact others move us for their pleasure, and periodically, we can muck up the strategy, but in the grand scheme, we're not the masters of the game."

"Then perhaps we need a new perspective."

"We nothing. I'm quite happy with my place in the world."

"Interesting. I thought you were a man who'd want to control his destiny."

Parker stifled a laugh.

"There's a reason I'm a contractee, Alexandra. I enjoy being around power, and often embrace moving things behind the scenes, mucking with plans without anyone knowing it was me, or watching things unfold around me. There's no reason to take on the burden of leadership to become the hand of fate. That's nonsense, and boring." He rolled his eyes and glanced down at Samantha with a smile.

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