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"A beautiful seashell for my beautiful wife." He spoke, causing her to smile. She looked like she fell in love all over again, but anger filled her face as the man splashed her.

"I'm getting you for that!" She threatened him.

The couple reminded Marianna of her and Oscar.

"They look so happy." Oscar spoke quietly.

"Yeah." Marianna agrees, her voice barely coming out above a whisper.

She looked up as Oscar cleared his throat, setting his food down as he stood up. Her eyebrows furrowed as he held his hand out for her.

"What?" Marianna questions.

"I'm not telling you to forget Olivia, but for today... we're gonna wash your problems away." He states. "Today is your day."

"And how am I gonna wash my problems away?" She smiles, allowing him to pull her up.

"Getting in the ocean." He states, ripping off his shirt and running out to the ocean.

Marianna smiled as she watched him run into the water like a little kid, splashing the water up. She ripped off her own shirt and the sweatpants she borrowed as she ran after him.

Oscar wrapped his arms around the girl's waist as she ran towards him. He lifted her in the air before dropping her back down into the water gently. She held onto his arms as she leaned back, letting her hair get soaked in the salty water. His hand fell to her back as he held the girl while she floated on her back. He slowly walked in a circle to spin her as she floated, his eyes watching over her as she calmed down.

Marianna gasped as she shot up from the water, tears running down her face as she sobbed hysterically.

"Mari!? Marianna!? What's wrong?" Oscar questioned, holding the girl tightly.

"I can't— I can't even close my eyes." She cries, lying her head against his chest, her first balled up under her chin to bring her a sense of comfort. "Every time I close my eyes, I see her. Gasping for life... choking on her own blood. Reaching for my brother and then begging me to not let her die."

"Mari... I'm sorry." He sighs. "I should be helping you, not trying to distract you."

"No, no." She shakes her head. "This is good. It was good. I'm just... Let's go ride."

"Ride where?" He asks.

"Anywhere." She sighs.

"I have the perfect place." Oscar smiles.

"Do you have a scenery kink?" Marianna laughs as they finish climbing up a hill, looking down at the town below them.

Oscar laughed with her as they sat down in the grass. "When... my mom died, I used to come up here. I was tired of the sad looks, the apologies, free dinners and desserts. This is where I took a break. It's like... I could just miss her in peace."

"You want me to miss Olivia? I miss her everyday." Marianna states.

"But this time, you can do it in peace." He tells her. "No family mourning with you, it's just you. And I'll be in the car when you need me."

𝐕𝐔𝐋𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 - 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘻, 𝘰𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat