🌸. 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓮𝔀𝓼 #5 .🌸

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Story Details:

Title: Green Face
Status: ongoing
Chapters: 27
Genre: Fantasy
Author: Tea-pots


In this captivating tale, Sammy's wish for a more exciting life is granted when she discovers that she is actually a faerie princess, complete with a long lost lover. However, what she had hoped would be a dream come true quickly turns into a nightmare. Sammy's real mother is held captive by a despising prince who will stop at nothing to take away her title.

As she navigates the treacherous world of faerieland, she must also face the merciless prince of the sea, who torments and ridicules her. What truly shatters Sammy's world is the shocking revelation that she is not even a faerie, but a monstrous being destined to destroy her own father's kingdom. With her entire identity, family, and worldview at stake, Sammy's journey will keep readers on the edge of their seats.Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as Sammy's fate hangs in the balance.


Overall Review:

🌸. Plot : The plot of the novel is truly extraordinary. To simply call it "amazing" would be an understatement, as it encapsulates a brilliant and captivating concept that truly resonated with me. For quite some time, I yearned to delve into the fantastical realm of literature, and your book provided me with the perfect opportunity to embark on an enchanting reading experience. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to explore the depths of your magnificent story.

🌸. Character Development :The protagonist, Adeline, undergoes significant character development as she regains her memories and begins to understand her true nature. This transformation from a vulnerable and unsure individual to a confident and determined warrior adds depth to the story. It is intriguing to witness Adeline's gradual realization of her inner strength and the discovery of her true identity.

🌸.Book Cover: "The Green Face" is a captivating title that immediately catches the reader's attention. The book cover is intriguing and visually engaging, possibly featuring a girl amidst a lush, mystical background which pique the reader's curiosity.

🌸.World-Building:The author skillfully creates a vivid and enchanting world in "The Green Face." The imagery of the waterfall, the dancing bugs, and the brightly colored flowers immerse the reader in the natural beauty of the setting. Additionally, the introduction of the sea court, fae, and their conflicts adds a layer of magical realism that enhances the overall reading experience.

🌸.Romance :The novel develops a passionate romance between Adeline and Aldric, filled with tender moments and emotional depth. The dialogue and actions between the two characters effectively convey their love and devotion, allowing the reader to become invested in their relationship. The first kiss scene is particularly captivating, evoking the magic and intensity of a fairytale romance.

🌸. Writing style:Your writing style is descriptive and immersive which allows readers to visualise the story.While reading your book I came across some minor grammatical mistakes,
which I would suggest you to correct.

🌸.Overall :"The Green Face" has a promising premise, blending elements of romance, fantasy, and self-discovery. With strong character development, captivating world-building, and an emphasis on emotional connection, this book shows potential for an engaging and enchanting read.

Thank you for giving me a chance to write a review on your amazing book.And best of luck(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠).


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