
"I have lost everyone," Juliet said, standing up and pointing her wand at Sirius with every syllable she spoke. "Everyone that I grew up with, that I spent every single day with at school, that I saw morning and evening-"

"Oh cry me a fucking river, Romilly-"

Remus stood up as well, "Sirius, imagine losing all of us. Me, James, Pete-"

"You're good people, you're not death eaters-"

"You've been mourning a death eater for months!" Juliet shouted, "Regulus was a death eater! You were fucking a death eater for years- Persephone was a death eater!" She rolled up her sleeve to reveal her bruised dark mark, "I was a death eater. Stop being so fucking blind!"

"It's different now," he shook his head, "you got that in school, so did Pen-"

Remus sighed, unsure who to agree with.

"Let's just try to be a bit sympathetic, Pads."

"Always fucking sticking up for this witch," Sirius groaned. "In school, constantly, she's not spoke to you for the last few weeks, and still you're sticking up for her."

"She's a good person."

Juliet met Remus' eye for what felt like the first time in years.

"Your crush on a Slytherin has gone a bit far now, don't you think. She's empathising-"

"She's upset that her friend died.  It's the same with you and Narcissa. Same as you and Regulus."

"Tell that to Marlene's dead fucking body," Sirius spat. "We have a leak among us, and what you say, and what you think, means more than ever. Grow up, both of you," he growled, grabbing his cloak and leaving the house with a slam of the door.

"I'm sorry about Ophelia," Remus said when he left.

She shrugged, "death is becoming scarily normal."

When an owl landed on the windowsill Remus took it, "from Pete," he muttered, scanning it. "His parents have been murdered. I ought to go and see him. Do you mind?"

The witch shook her head and didn't bother looking at him again.

Albus Dumbledore appeared at the house hours after, he was the secret keeper, along with the three residents.

Juliet held her wand up to him, feeling foolish.

"I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore-"

Juliet cracked a little smile at that, and stepped aside, letting the wizard in.

"I trust you heard about the Rosiers?"

"I did, yes."

"A pity they aren't in Azkaban."

"Yes, sir."

"Peter Pettigrew's parents were killed today, as well."

"I heard."

"Nowhere seems to be safe, at present."

"Yes, professor."

"We're moving you to a different safe house. Mr Lupin will remain here, and Mr Black is also being moved."

"We're all going to be alone?"

"There will be order missions every day," he said, handing Juliet a coin. "I think it's about time you had one of these, don't you?"

"Thank you."

"We can't risk three of you being found and killed."

"Surely we're better armed to protect ourselves as a three."

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