"Liu Shengyuan, right?"

  Chen Hu took two steps back, staring at Liu Shengyuan with a pair of eyes, "If you can sincerely serve me, you will have countless benefits in the future."

  He knows this Liu Shengyuan, if  there is a king-like presence in the garrison of the city. The one in Xiangcheng is Gong Yi, the one in City B is Fang Yuqi, and the one in City A is Liu Shengyuan.

  This kind of garrison elite.

  Liu Shengyuan did not speak, but just lowered his eyes, which represented a kind of surrender.

  In fact, it shouldn't be like this. If the commander of the garrison in City A was still doing well, it wouldn't be Chen Hu's turn to give orders to Liu Shengyuan.

  But the order given to him by the garrison commander of City A a few days ago was to let him listen to Chen Hu.

  Liu Shengyuan didn't know where his commander was or how his commander was doing. He could only lurk next to Chen Hu now.

  Otherwise, Liu Shengyuan would have killed this Chen Hu long ago.

  "You take the rest of your garrison to City B. I want the material warehouse in City B."

  Chen Hu can no longer wait for the news from Yu Guanglin. What's wrong with it.

  It is better to use this batch of garrisons as soon as possible.

  Liu Shengyuan nodded in agreement, turned around and left the Chen family villa, and walked in the dark city A. The walls were in ruins, and the corpses on the road were just soaked in jelly water, without a trace of popularity.

  In the entire city, the damned people are already dead, and the people who should leave have already tried their best to leave.

  The Chen family is like an isolated island, standing alone in City A. Except for those who are attached to the Chen family, everyone who can fight against the Chen family will run away to death.

  There is no one left to guard City A.
  "Chen Hu asked us to hijack the supply warehouse of City B. He has become suspicious of me, and he probably won't be able to accommodate us."

  Liu Shengyuan stood on the side of the road and said to the two men who followed him. A garrison said in a low voice, "You go to the material warehouse in city B as planned."

  "Captain, what about you?" a garrison asked in a low voice.

  "I took advantage of Chen Hu's relaxation and entered the Chen family villa complex to find our commander."

  Liu Shengyuan said decisively. His family had been brought to Xiangcheng by the garrison they had left before. Now he has no scruples.

  The Chen family's villa is not one, but a whole group of villas, and all the vassals of the Chen family live in this group of villas.

  This is a very dangerous thing. Someone in the Chen family has weapons now. Liu Shengyuan even suspects that the Chen family has already controlled the police in City A.

  The garrison behind Liu Shengyuan showed disapproval on his face, "Captain, that's too dangerous. Once discovered by Chen Hu, you will die."

"It doesn't matter, I will use my life to maintain the dignity of the garrison. We cannot let our commander remain in Chen Hu's hands. In the hands of others."

  From the day he stayed, Liu Shengyuan was prepared to die.

  "Are you a garrison?"

  A voice sounded as thin as a mosquito's groan.

  Liu Shengyuan was shocked. He looked over in surprise and saw a vague shadow in the darkness, pressed in the ruins.

  He and the two guards behind him rushed over and peeled off the bricks on the woman's body with bare hands.

 "Are you okay? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I'm sorry we're late, I'm sorry."

  Liu Shengyuan choked up as he spoke.

  "It doesn't matter, we are already in this state after all."

  The woman said weakly, covered in blood and flesh, but it didn't matter, it was dark now and no one saw her.

  With trembling hands, she opened her clothes and put a child who was less than one month old into Liu Shengyuan's arms,

 "Take him to Xiangcheng, it's troublesome in here. I heard that Xiangcheng is a good place and he will grow up well."

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