One Way to Make an Introduction... I guess | May 16th, 2019

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 Uhh... Hi! No.. that's not how I should start off, unless?? I don't know I've never written much before. Just found this old diary in the attic and got a rush of good memories so I decided to put it to use! Soo... Hi! I'm Sophia! And uhh... yeah that's me!

 Okay I feel a bit silly now. I'm not really good at writing, but I think I'd like to try. I've just only started and it already feels really relaxing and a good way to kill time. 

 So uhh... things about me... I have a dipshit sister named Alice but I love her so it's okay. We actually work together, we drive engines. Well I do, she's just the stoker. Uh, me and Alice like playing video games with our friend Erick, who also drives engines and is really cool. 

 Uhh... I swear there's more to my life than just this. Oh yeah, about the train part thing. So, this is probably going to sound insane if you've never been, but theres all sorts of locomotives with faces that can talk. Like no fake mech to make it seem alive, they're genuinely alive! You might have heard of them actually, they're quiet famous! Quite.. I mean.. sorry I'm still new to this but I'll get better!

 So anyways, what I meant was there's a tv show about the engines, and a book series but I've never read them so. Anyways, there's a lot of the engines like Thomas, Toby, Gordon, and James, but I think my favorite is Percy. He was kind of the first one we were truly introduced to.

 Ok so story time. Me and Alice were born into a... a not great family you could say. Mom has an addiction problem and the dad was an alcoholic who left when we were 2 years old. Fuck him anyways, but our mom died when we were 6 so we were forced to live with our grandparents who were located all the way in England. But, it wasn't really England they lived on, it was Sodor.

 So that happened, and then one week of school kind of changed everything. We didn't really ride on the trains a whole lot, when we did it was engines like Gordon who didn't really talk a whole lot and felt like he had too high of an opinion of himself. So, one day the road was closed down after an engine crashed since it damaged the road, so we were forced to go by train. An engine named Percy was selected to run the job.

 That's where my love for engines started to grow. Percy was and still is the sweetest thing ever! He'd always remind us to watch our step getting into the coaches, and wished us a good day at school. He was so kind. I loved him and still do.

When me and Alice graduated school and turned 18, we instantly sough after a job on the railroad. We got one soon, but it wasn't what we were hoping for exactly. We both got jobs as guards, which was better than nothing I guess. A few years went by, and a lot of crews were retiring from their engines. We attempted to get a job as a driver, and... we got it! Me and Alice were going to always work together! I'd be the driver, she'd be the stoker.

 We were hoping we'd get Percy, but to our surprise there was a change. The controller, Montgomery Newl, which if you thought it would be Sir Topham Hatt, wake up. The year is 2019. He's no longer with us, to no one's surprise. It's a shame actually, all the engines endlessly talked about how good of a controller he was, and from what I've heard, they didn't take kindly to a new controller. To their shock though, he was just as interested in preserving steam as Topham! So they were all safe! He's a really good controller actually, I'm happy we got him.

 Anyways back to what I was saying. We wouldn't be scheduled to one engine, we would drive pretty much all the engines. Like one day we'd be with Percy, the next day Thomas, stuff like that pretty much.

 Okay well, its getting late. I should really get to bed. We're driving James tomorrow, and he's taking the express! So we gotta be ready for that... soo... goodnight!

Sodor: Arachnophobia [Being Remastered]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang