what cheng?

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119: sir ( types into the computer) sir! is mr. Guang still awake?

cheng: (more tears started falling) no 

119: well keeping pressure on the wound. Does he have a pulse?

cheng: (reaches over to lu’s neck) yes but it's slow (starts hearing the ambulance sirens) i can hear the ambulance.

paramedics: hello anyone here?

cheng: BACK HERE! (paramedic run to the back room) please help him! (cheng hangs up the phone)

paramedic: we will take care of this 

(they load Lu up in the ambulance and rush him off to the hospital, cheng notices the sonogram pictures were dropped in the process the ordeal.)  

Qiao Ling: (outside) cheng? (lu gets wheeled passed here) 

paramedics: move aside mama.

Qiao Ling: (moves over) Wha?? Lu? (she runs in to the back room) cheng? (Qiao see’s cheng on the floor crying, holding something in his hands, Qiao Ling walks up to cheng, and bends down next to him, she lays a hand on cheng's shoulder) what happened to Lu? ( leaning over cheng she notices the object in cheng's hands was a sonogram picture)  what is that?

cheng: I-I was (not wanting to tell Qiao Ling about their powers yet) i was going to the store to get some supplies we need for the shop and some other stuff and you know lu hasn't been feeling well recently so i just told him to rest back here till i get back. so i go out , i get about a block away. I realized that i forgot my wallet, i came back and i found Lu covered in blood.

Qiao ling: So where did the pictures come from?(she motions to his hands)

cheng: i was on the phone with 119 when lu started to reach for these in his jacket pocket, (he takes a deep breath) oh god Qiao ling Lu Guang is pregnant and he was just stabbed (starts crying)

Qiao ling: (starts hugging cheng) i'm so sorry cheng. come on we should start heading to the hospital.

Sorry Lu Guang Where stories live. Discover now