II. one way or another

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tw: mention of gore

I saw the man get ripped apart before my very eyes.

They ripped his skull in half, blood spraying in the air.

I wanted to gauge my eyes out, throw them away and vomit.

People began backing away from the window and people tried to leave the cafeteria into the hallway but the doors were locked.

But then, more of the flesh eating monsters show up and begin banging on the windows.

Shrieks of terror filled the room and I was frozen.

Shrieks of terror filled the room and I was frozen

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Petrified (adj.)

so frightened that one is unable to move

that was me.

I felt a arm tug at me, it was Layne.

"CMON WE NEED TO GO" she exclaimed. "NOWW!!"

I finally grounded back to the earth and she was still tugging at my arm, then I would begin to run out of the cafeteria with her. The hallways were crowded and the alarms began to blare again, causing a ringing in my ears. Loud banging was still behind us from the vast windows in the cafeteria.

We were being shoved as people tried to exit the building, and got pushed into a class where we found Alyssa and Gabriella hiding in a corner with a couple other kids.

"Why the fuck are you guys hiding this isn't a lockdown, their are flesh eating monsters outside we need to go NOW." I yelled.

I gazed my eyes over to a emergency window on the left side of the classroom and darted over to it and began quickly turning it open. "This stupid shit is stuck!"

Gabriella walked over and tried to help with the window, pulling the handle upwards. "Ugh come on!! This won't budg-" then the handle would snap.

Another kid in the classroom would start complaining "are you fucking kidding me? its not hard to open a window you pussy!" I recognized him from my algebra class.

Layne would begin aswell "shut the fuck up" she'd shout at the guy from algebra. "help me get this chair to smash the window." she'd say while pulling a chair away from a desk.

Banging began at the classroom door. The yelling increased double.

The next thing I heard was glass shattering and felt myself being pulled out of the window, falling not so far into the air into a hawthorn bush. I saw a couple other kids from the class jump out the window, aswell as Layne and Alyssa.

My upper arm suddenly had a cold sharp pain and as I looked down there was a thorn sticking out of it. I wanted to yell but knew I couldn't, as it would draw them to us. It seemed Alyssa had the same problem. "shit.." I'd say aloud. I'd groan in pain, the thorn was sticking out of my arm. I'd move a little to check there were no more thorns impaled through my skin. And I was lucky, thank God there wasn't. I'd slowly stand up, pulling the thorn out of my arm from below. "ow... shit shit shit shit" I was now biting into my opposite hand hoping it would relieve the pain... it didn't, it just stopped me from yelling in agony.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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