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Riff  Tawen-Misae
in his sophomore year
Fire House.
Ethnicity: Native American

Is the captain of the fencing team.
Is on the karate team
Loves competing
Works out regularly
Popular- Gets along with everyone

Dyes his hair red.
An B-C student, 'He's smart just doesn't apply himself' kid
"Ladies Man"
Favorite Subject: PE, English
Worst Subject: History
Has earrings 'cause they're cool'

Lives in the Dormitory since freshman year. Bunks with Hagan, a Junior that's also on the karate team.

Ikor Isfrid- Izzard
In his sophomore year
Ice House
Ethnicity: Nordic American

Is captain of the ice Hockey team.
He also snowboards professionally
Is also on the karate team, it's how he met Riff, they often sparred each other

Father is the Mayor, often people try and make friends with him because of that.

Dyes green strands in his hair, mainly influenced by Riff
Straight A student naturally
Class president

Favorite Subject: Physics
Worst Subject: Theatre
Has stage fright
Also has OCD

At first lived with his dad but begged to live in the dorms by the second term of sophomore year
Unfortunately for him, he has to bunk with Fylkir

Trek Safwan
supposed to be a freshman, but skipped to sophomore
Rock House
Ethnicity: Arabic/ Hispanic

Is on the boxing team
Started a baking club

Is in charge of the school's animals that they keep there.

Wants to study animal medicine.
A quiet kid, but liked by everyone.

A-B student

Often has small bags of baked goods to give to anyone who he thought needed them.

Childhood friends with Siran. Joined the gardening club for her.
Favorite Subject: Biology
Worst Subject: Physics

Lives in the dorms from the start of sophomore year. Bunks with Aman.

Erron Alizeh
In his Sophomore year
Wind house
Ethnicity: Blasian

Pro archer
Is on the fencing team too
Does gymnastics to no one's surprise
Loves being in the library with Ao-ki

Is the goofy class clown that's not a jerk an that even the teachers find funny.

Loves flying- has a licensed flight suit
Does yoga.
Loves Art and theater
Is in the Theater club

Loves the outdoors.

A-B student
Favorite Subject: Art, Music
Worst Subject: Literature (mainly bc of the lectures their professor taught with)

Lives in the dorms to get away from his father. Is in the same bunk his brother lived in.

Aoki Myeong
Sophomore year
No house
Ethnicity: Korean

An exchange student
She didn't want a house for some reason and the school allowed it.

Her Relative: Onë Tower, was a big donor to the school and has ties to it's owners, also an adviser for the school board

Assistant librarian
Loves reading about astronomy, astrology zodiac signs and other things

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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