35 6 11

The narrow beautifully paved road snakes beneath the aged maple trees.
Calm and peaceful

Just minutes from the first small church across from the endless cornfield where members from a distant pass are marked with stones raised above its limited green.

Different shapes
Different sizes
Different names
Different dates

Perfect green shaded by trees clearly planted years ago in an organised pattern to serve this exact purpose. Their crowded leaves hang low to be one with the raised sculptures they safeguard below.

Most commuters on this stretch will encounter a borderline dangerous left turn just ahead. An unclear two-way-stop that from time-to-time scattered auto parts will tell an unfortunate story.

A mysterious out-of-place stop light appears within seconds of this turn.


This roadway which carries a handful of vehicles exhibit farmlands all around and the mysterious stoplight that is always set on green.

Turkeys, rein deer and the odd coyotes will often grace the landscape in the distance between the tranquil space and the maple trees which acts as property line and always eager to introduce yet another change of season.

"Flowers & fresh eggs for sale" says the sign at the top of the slope before yet another small church. An offer that only last for the few warm months of the year under the crowded covered garden. Vehicles of all variety timidly tries to navigate entering and getting out of this space without mishaps.

A small and pristine church sits several feet in from the quiet road and hidden by tall trees on its western border quickly approaches. Silent throughout the weekly commute as if that is its eternal state.

The gentle slope leads to the T-junction where a left turn will be followed by a quick right.
Sign says "Maximum 50" and the tranquility is broken by increased commuters heading towards the flashing amber light ahead of the metal tracks buried across the road to glide the long lazy train.

On the south side and north, branches of all variety reach to the sky in their glory and in competition with their peers. Planted not so long ago by weary hands to rectify damage left behind.

How much the trees have grown
Manmade pond
Wooden bird houses
Narrow pathways

The exuberant landscape lingers.
The faded sign between the arching trees reminds passing cars.

Different shapes
Different sizes
Different names
Different plates

"Maximum 50."

Reflection of space shared on this pilgrimage.
Untold memories
Change of seasons
Places and people

Birds grace the sky
Train passing by
War in Ukraine

Echoing steel
Signal green
Mixed thoughts in my head
The train reaches its end

On the north side and south
Oh, how the trees have grown.
Written by: Thomas Bonnick / 5ifthproject
©September 02, 2023 - All rights reserved.

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