Intercepting Betrothals & Forming New Ones

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"I would."

"And traditionally paid for by the royal family."

Tyrion nodded.

The door opened and Podrick returned with the requested figs.

"I was told you were a drunk; impertinent and thoroughly debauched. You can imagine my disappointment at finding nothing but a browbeaten bookkeeper. Where did you go for them, Volantis?" Olenna said.

"My lady-"

"Oh, very well. I won't have it said that House Tyrell refuses to play its part. We'll pay for half the expenses and the celebrations will go on as planned. Is that sufficient?"

"Quite sufficient. Thank you."

"Very good, then. That's settled. Good day."

Tyrion and Olenna stood, and she exited.

"Give me that." Tyrion said, taking a fig from Podrick's tray.

The Queen of Thorns certainly earned the moniker.

[King's Landing - Red Keep, Gardens]

Lady Sansa Stark and Lady Margaery Tyrell sat with a sumptuous meal, watching Ser Loras Tyrell and another man battle for show.

"He's such a splendid fighter. If your cousin is half as good, then... " She trailed off. "Do you have any idea when we might-"

"I'll plant the seed as soon as Joffrey and I are married. It should grow quickly."

"Joffrey won't let me leave. He's got too many reasons to keep me here."

"And only one to let you go. Because it will please me."

"Squire!" Loras shouted.

The squire, Olyvar, rushed forward to give Loras a goblet.

"Well fought, ser."

"That was no fight. I don't know you." Loras told him.

"Olyver, if it please you."

Olyvar started to undo the straps of Loras' practice armor. "I should like to see you spar with a proper partner, ser."

Loras chuckled.

Their eyes met, and a plan was made.

[Red Keep - Loras' Chambers]

Loras and Olyvar lied abed in passionate and hungry embrace. Olyvar was nude.

"How did you know?" Loras asked.

"Know what?"

"That I wanted to."

Olyvar stood to get a drink.

"My lord, I'll have you know I'm to be married soon and even my intended hasn't the slightest notion."

"They rarely do, in my experience."

Loras approached behind him. "You have a good deal of experience, do you?"

"With the husbands."

They embraced and returned to bed.

[Red Keep - Littlefinger's Chambers]

"That didn't take long." Littlefinger told Olyvar.

"Well, it took long enough. It seems though Knight of Flowers is engaged to be wed, he is content with having a little something on the side."

Littlefinger simply hmmed.

This did not bode well for Ser Loras.

[King's Landing, Shoreline Overlook]

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