Other NPCs

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Yes! Believe it or not, there are more NPCs! This campaign is set in a city, of course there's gonna be a lot of characters!

In all seriousness, though, the people who I'm introducing are actually fairly important, so... yep.

Carson Mendoza

Carson is a genderfluid air genasi from the 2450s who runs Sunshine & Moonshine, the cafe-slash-bar that the party and HoNo staff frequent. He's tired a lot of the time, mostly from having a place that's open pretty much 24/7, but surprisingly enough, he manages. They're a former fighter, believe it or not, and they still have an impressive collection of swords, which aren't just for show. She kinda looks like Huntara from She-Ra—y'know, buff, purple, white ponytail, very hot. Carson's got a nice vibe going on.

Dr. Marianne Lockwood

She's a sun elf cleric who works as a therapist, and since she's in Chronopolis, she has her work cut out for her. Madeline was her first patient, since they arrived in the city around the same time. Ever since then, Dr. Lockwood comes in every month or so for sessions with the HoNo staff and residents, and she's pretty good at her job. Some of the staff members are a bit stubborn when it comes to therapy (like JANICE), but Dr. Lockwood knows her stuff. Don't have that much to say about her, except that she's absolutely based off of Dr. Bright from The Bright Sessions.

Hudson Jones

This is Jimmy's husband—a former Chosen One and Steel's current squire. He's a human fighter, and while he's technically multiclassing as a paladin, he really doesn't use any of his paladin powers other than Smite. Hudson landed in Chronopolis as an Unforgettable, but Steel intervened before he could sign one of Piper's contracts and took him under her wing. He's currently involved with a rebel group fighting against Piper and the Council, and while he is happy that Steel managed to convince Piper to pull Jimmy in, his overthinking and martyr complex have convinced him that in order to keep Jimmy safe, he can't let him know what's really going on. Jimmy still doesn't know that Hudson's in Chronopolis (though his player definitely does—I was, unfortunately, not slick with all those questions). Steel, on the other hand, thinks that Jimmy and his new friends would be excellent additions to the rebel group, so... yeah, she's gonna meddle in a way that only an adoptive lesbian big sister can.

Vincent and Genevieve Quinn (aka Vinny and Ginny)

These two are a pair of near-identical pixie twins, with the only discernible difference being that Vinny has ear-length dark hair and Ginny has shoulder-length red hair. They're from 1994 Melbourne, Australia, they're grunge, and they act as Scuttle's assistants. They're also the most Chaotic Neutral rogues known to man, and they love nothing more than driving their boss absolutely insane.

Vinny and Ginny are basically the "bumbling henchmen" characters, except it's abundantly clear that they're useless at their jobs on purpose. It's not because they're secretly on the side of the good guys—trust me, the twins are on nobody's side but each other's—but it's because they really just find Scuttle to be annoying, and it's ingrained in them to be someone's problem. Because they're, well, fey and all, neither of them can really lie, so they rely on barely-concealed sarcasm that Scuttle has yet to pick up on... probably because she's from the early Middle Ages. The party's only interacted with these guys once, when they were acting as tour guides for the aquarium, but they're definitely gonna pop up again. I didn't spend an afternoon perfecting two similar yet distinct Australian accents for nothing.

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