day two

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for my lyler fans ♥︎

nobody got much sleep last night. geoff would wake up screaming every so hour. morning finally arrived, and fog hovered around the ground.

tyler stood in his pjs, hugging himself as his eyes scanned around the clouded area. "lindsay?" he whispered out to the open. smiling at what seemed like his girlfriend, he walked into tge fog and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug.

"oh im so glad nothing happened to you over night tay— tyler!" lindsay smiled as she lifted her left leg and held the older boy back. she was up worrying about him.. and her makeup. thats a constant worry for her.

"cmon, honey." tyler smiled and held onto lindsays hand, taking her to the confessional. the damp grass wetting their socks, but they were too focused in each other to bother caring. pushing the door and walking inside, smiling as lindsay giggled and stepped in.

"alrigbt babe, you know the drill." tyler grinned at her, tilting his head and sliding his hands down her waist. "whats my name?"

"tay.. ty.." lindsay licked her lips and broke their eye contact, scrunching her face in confusion. "..taylor?"

"nope. tyler, repeat, ty-ler." lindsay and tyler say his name together, then lindsays says his name. leaning down, tyler planted a soft kiss on her lips. "good job babe. youre doing so well."

the sunrise was now peaking into the confessional cracks as the two kissed slow and lovingly each time lindsay got his name, which was seven out of ten.

"i love you so much, tyler." lindsay whispered, leaning her forehead against his as she pressed herself against his chest, closer in his arms.

tearing up, tyler gave her one last kiss. "i love you too, linds." he whispered. letting the female leave first, he shortly left after her, walking into the cabins.

"where have you been, man?" trent asked, swinging his legs over the bed and stared down at him, as everyone was waking up.

rubbing his eyes, duncan let out a scoff. "probably with blondie. you know they cant get enough of each other."

tyler rolled his eyes, heat rushing to his cheeks. "sure, if a straight couple does it, youre on their ass, but if a homosexual couple does it youre allllll blind as a bat."

"whose the .. 'homosexual' couple, tyler?" justin asked as he rinsed off his face mask.

"obvious noah and cody." the other responed, pointing his hand at the sleepy teenagers sitting in front of each other on noahs bed, turning their heads in confusion. "dating?" they asked in sync.

"whatever. lets hurry up so we can leave in a group. gosh." harold huffed out as he cleaned his glasses, putting them on and pushing them up. "id like to see my lady, leshawna."

"youre pathetic." ducan snickered as he put his shirt on, flinching in pain when dj smacked him gently upside the head. "stop being an.. a word, duncan." dj frowned. "nobody needs it."

the room fell silent as they got changed, walking out side by side as they met up with the girls in the mess hall. as duncan found chefs and chris' secert stash. grabbing what they each wanted, they silently spoke to each other.

heather eyed the room before pushing off the log, clearing her throat until the room fell silent and looked at her.

"we cant just pretend that nothing is wrong here. theres a murderer on the island and chris just left us! we need to understand to stay in pairs, lock doors, dont be white girl stupid," she glared at lindsay when she said this.

"..and listen. some of us hate each other and we need to suck it up. including me. does everyone understand?" glancing at each other, they all look at heather and nod slowly before returnning to their small converstations.

gwen finished eating and looked at leshawna. "i feel sick. i dont think i can hold anything down when i know anyone could possibly die at any moment." she whispered as trent rested a hand on her thigh.

"well youre going to have to try, sugar. either be muderered to starve to death. i wouldnt want either." leshawana shook her head and took a bite of the yougurt. "im sure we'll all make it if we're smart." she gently told her friend, returning her attention to harold as he contuined to geek out.

as long as they sticked together. the campers had mixed feelings about the situation they were in, some scared, some brave.

yet, they shared one thing. the deep pit of anxiety that they or someone they loved were next.

and they didnt know who.

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