Free Time

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"Carter, so what's blah blah blah" was all I heard Mrs. Pit say to me,
"Uh..." I said.
"Seriously Carter, you need to pay attention in class! It's almost the end of the year an you've failed seven tests" said Mrs. Pit, she was angry, but then continued teaching the class. I just do my own thing for money, who needs a job, boring office work or say 'Hello! How may I help you?' as a job.

After school I went back to sweet sweet home, an abandoned piece of land with a little worn down house. I was homeless, My parents died in an accident driving out of control and drowning in a lake. I'll never get over them. I had no one to take care of me, or to help me with life, I was just a 15 year old grade 9 with no future, except I stole, stole from people and give it to people, then those people give me money. I know it's bad but it's now a habit for me, it's what I live off of. I think I might complete my job right now.

I put my school bag down inside my home an left wearing some gloves, a mask (not a suspicious one though) and left. I was supposed to get a pair of hockey gloves signed from a professional hockey player from Ricky Stevensen and give them to Travis Clark for a good pay of $150. I've been watching Ricky after school for a week and took notes. He lived in a big house with fences and security, it's always rich guys jeez, it can't ever be a dummy that forgets to lock there door. Anyway, he normally gets home from school at 3:30 and goes through the gates in a car. There is a special pin code to open the door, at least that's easy. It's 9726, then once he does through the gates he goes inside. I looked around from the outside and saw the gloves are on the second floor in Ricky's room on a shelf. So now I had to make the plan, I needed food fast, so I needed to get those gloves fast.

I don't use food banks or any other free source of things for the homeless because I didn't want to be in a orphanage or some crap like that, I always tried to get inside my home without being seen, and no ones ever bought the land in five years, I don't think anyone's gonna buy it. It's hidden away pretty well from roads so that's good. The plan was simple, I noticed on the last day that Ricky gets home before his parent get home from work, so it's just him and his butler (fancy) so I had to get there before 3:30 and hide somewhere then when Ricky gets home I'll see him come upstairs, go into his room and read, or whatever then when he comes out I'll sneak in, get the gloves then jump out the window and land on the trampoline and quickly hide in their bushes. And sneak out before Ricky's parents get home and or before he notices. I got prepared the next day then after school I did the plan, and might I add, it worked perfectly.

Ricky came to school tomorrow with the saddest little look on his face, I don't want to make people sad but I need to live without being put into a foster home or something, everything else needs ID... but I got some money and get something cheap to eat after school now, it lasted for couple weeks when I had 80 dollars left I remembered I still need clothes and I need to have stuff. So I bought a new shirt and went to the laundromat and bought a thermos for soup and other food. I was good for the next while and I was happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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