When the morning sun peered over the mountains of the reach the group left at first light riding down the dirt path and then onto the road moving towards markarth as the dwarven city came into view the group halted at Markarth stables as Shadow-step walked down to the river and behind the waterfall as the group made note of the large cave and put their bags down with Myra, Suvvan, Lianya, Shadow-step, Sabrina, Yamma, Severin, and Salazar stayed there and set up temporary base as Ebon-shi, Asadelf, Gila, Tully, and Gentu walked up to the front gate of the dwarven made city of Markarth. As the five approached through the gate they were in the market as Gentu led the way passing a vigilant of stendarr. " Excuse me, travelers, do you know anything about this house?" The vigilant asked as Tully motioned the group to go ahead and he would handle this. " Why yes, I do believe a cult of Daedra worshippers use this house if im not mistaken. Would you like my help?" Tully asked in an unnatural alluring voice that seemed to melt away the vigilints doubts and the two entered the abandoned house, the inside was nothing spectacular aside from the standard dwarven interior as Tully followed the vigilant down through the house and into the tunnel, his daedric gauntlet hand tracing over the Mace of Molag bals handle as he fained utter shock at the shrine bearing the visage of the daedric prince of domination.

" Stendarr's mercy, this isn't an ordinary daedra they have been worshipping, it's one of the sixteen daedric princes, and this one is the worst of them all his name is- AHH!

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" Stendarr's mercy, this isn't an ordinary daedra they have been worshipping, it's one of the sixteen daedric princes, and this one is the worst of them all his name is- AHH!." Before the vigilant could finish his knee was broken and he fell to his knees as Tully stalked closer with the Mace of Molag Bal. " Molag bal, daedric prince of domination, and father of vampires, yes I know." Tully said as he kicked the vigilante in the stomach with his daedric boot as the agent of the Aedra of mercy coughed up blood. " By Stendarr's mercy, what are you doing?!" The agent asked through seethed teeth and pained gasps as the daedric armored imperial grabbed him by the throat and effortlessly lifted the smaller man off the ground and smirked showing that unlike the vampires the vigilant have faced before. he had four fangs two on the top and two on the bottom as he sunk his teeth into the man's neck undeterred by the vigilants's futile slaps and punches to the back of his head. and just before he bled dry he threw his weakened and limp body against the wall as the limp vigilant was on the sacrificial circle Tully put his foot on his chest pinning the vigilant as he raised the mace above his head. "W-what are you?.." The agent weakly asked as Tully spoke, " The last face you will ever see." Tully said before slamming the mace onto the vigilant's head immediately followed by the sickening crunch of bone, the crushing of flesh, and wet splatter of blood. " Hahaha mortals and they're frail, limp, pathetic bodies, they never cease to amuse me, and well done to you as well my champion. Tell me, how'd it feel feeling his blood spray on your face, how did it feel feeling his worthless frame go limp? Speak." The deep and ominous voice echoed from the altar as Tully chuckled licking the blood on his cheek. " Just as one would expect from such a weak being, boring and unsatisfactory, he didn't even beg for his miserable life..a complete waste of my time..even his blood tasted too sweet." Tully said in an annoyed tone. " Hahaha your bloodlust never fails to entertain me my champion, but fret not I have a task for you which promises to satisfy your insatiable appetite my Bloodknight." The voice of Molag Bal spoke. " As you wish, in fact, I have a question I'd like to ask after this job is done." The eerie silence didn't bother Tully as he didn't fear Molag bal but rather respected him as his desire to constantly become stronger is what made himself and the daedric prince of domination to developed a weird type of symbiotic relationship with Tully's bloodlust far surpassing Molag Bal's expectations. " Very well, once you've completed the task I assign you, and if I'm still in a good mood I may permit you this question." Molag bal spoke with a sinister chuckle "Thank you, now what is this task you have in mind?" Tully asked as the lord of domination spoke. "In the worthless hole the worthless mortals call Dawnstar is a cult of worshippers who wish to know my hand, A few of the ones calling themselves 'the vigilants of Stendarr' attempt to derail their worship while some of their own have seen my glories. find this cult and deliver their souls to me!" Tully nodded with a smirk already imagining all the brutal ways to send their souls to Molag Bal. " Because I'm in a good mood, you may ask your question now, then when you complete your task I may answer." Tully gave a grateful bow of the head and spoke " I seek to surpass the rank of vampire lord, and to become more powerful I need to feed, but in theory...if I were to taste the blood of your first vampire, would I gain her ability to walk in the sunlight without pain?" Tully asked as the voice spoke again "You may get your answer when I get my souls. Go my champion and always remember I'm always watching you." With that, the voice vanished and Tully looted the vigilant's body for valuables finding nothing but an amulet of stendarr, cure disease potions, and a single iron dagger. he left the abandoned house and locked it with a key he got from the body and made his way outside and washed his hands in the river before making his way to where the other four went. As he walked up the stone steps to understone keep which was a dwarven building that was now the Markarths city keep. As Tully entered he saw Asadelf with her ebony spellknight helmet on as she was leaning against the wall keeping an eye on three thalmor agents one justicer and two elven and glass armored soldiers. Seeing Tully approaching she nodded to the room on the right where Ebon-shi and Gila were sitting off to the side as Gentu and an elderly altmer in blue mage robes talked and examined the schematics and the journal Gentu found in the dwarven tower Reachwind Eyrie as the two were talking another younger looking altmer came rushing from the large dwarven door across the cavern and whispered something into the elder altmer's ear as they both could be seen asking Gentu for help which Gentu gave the silent hand signal clenching his fist and with his pointer and middle finger in a circle motion. which was the signal to return to the group and he would meet up with them later. as he headed towards the dwarven door leaving the two altmer to their work.

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