Chapter 3:Missing Twigclaw

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A mouse scrambled away as something bigger was behind it, the mouse panicked, squeaking at the attacker to stop but the attacker only licked her lips and did a hunting crouch incorrectly as she slowly approached, she swept at the mouse with claws, grabbing the mouse, squealing for help. The attacker grabbed the mouse by the teeths, throw it up in the air before biting it whole, swallowing it, but choked as if the mouse was stuck in her throat.


"Twigclaw! Twigclaw!" Blue flame called, "Hey Chest pain, have you seen Twigclaw this morning?" Light shadow calmly took a sip off his coffee, "No, not really. Coolkittycat don't drink up all the milk." Coolkittycat looked at him after trying to chug the jug down her throat but cough up milk instead, even her one fang was showing. "What about you Coolkittycat?" Blue flame asked, "Have you seen her?" "No, sorry." Coolkittycat's voiced rasps, "I got a rat in my throat right now." Light shadow gived a curious look but still calm. "Another way of saying I got a toad stuck in my throat." Coolkittycat told him. "Maybe you should go see Blindheart, I caught you choking on something last night. You passed out when I tried doing the thing for when a cat was choking." Light shadow told her. "No, I'm fine, just need plenty of drinks." Coolkittycat told him. Blue flame meowed "What if something happen to her? Can you please send a search patrol? Shes missing." "Alright, if she wasn't seen around lunchtime, I'll sent a search patrol to find her, I doubt she went far." "That's what worries me." Blue flame meowed, "Remember when she was a bird, Coolkittycat attacked her and acted like she was prey, refused to let go of her with Twigclaw in her jaws. Injured her wing too, she was stuck in her bird form for a while with a guard to look after her."

"I remember, Coolkittycat was trying to hide in the smallest places where we can't reach while we tried to free Twigclaw but Coolkittycat was only a kitten and she didn't know better." Light shadow meowed calmly drinking his coffee. There was a loud banging noise from outside the kitchen, Light shadow and Blue flame went to check it out, Coolkittycat was banging her head on the wall. "Woah chill." Light shadow hissed, pulling her away, "What's wrong this time? Want to give yourself a headache." "Yes!" she squealed, more squeaking came from her as she covered her mouth before running off. Blue flame and Light shadow looked at each other, "I'll have Blindheart look into her later with those strange behaviors. Was Twigclaw in any other animal form you remember?"

Blue flame shook her head, she just wants her friend back, wherever she is. They heard a loud hissed from Coolkittycat from the other room and another banging noise. "I'll send a search patrol right now." Light shadow meowed, "I'll need my best trackers. Not Coolkittycat, she needs to go see Blindheart." "I'll do it. I'll lead the search patrol." Blue flame meowed. "No you stay here if she returns from wherever she is. You can take Coolkittycat to Blindheart. I'll find the best trackers here to lead a patrol. We will find her, I promised."

Blue flame nodded as she left to find Coolkittycat who was too busy, with straws connected to one another and trying to put it down her throat. "Hey! No!" Blue flame hissed taking the straws away, "What are you trying to do? Eat straws!" Coolkittycat hold her breath and shook her head. "Chest pain wants you to see Longscar, come on." "No!" Coolkittycat hissed, "I don't want too!" "Too bad! Chest pain is worried about you." Blue flame hissed, "He sent me to take you to Longscar, you also sound terrible." "Punch me in the throat!" Coolkittycat voice rasps in a demanding tone. Blue flame hissed "No, come on." she grabbed Coolkittycat by her paw and had to drag her just by her paw, since Coolkittycat was stubbornly to go. "Here you go Longscar." Blue flame hissed as they enter the healing area, "Her voice sounds terrible and been acting weird." Blindheart turn to them, "Alright put her on the bed." "Come on." Blue flame lifted Coolkittycat onto the bed, "By the way, have you seen Twigclaw? Can't find her and Chest pains has gone for a search party." Blue flame asked the healer, Blindheart was trying to feel Coolkittycat's throat but Coolkittycat wouldn't let her. "No, I have not. Now help me on my patient here. I never seen her so stubborn before, she never acts this way while shes here."

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