“And what’s the mirror for?”

“Oh that’s my Foe-Glass. See them out there, skulking around? I’m not really in trouble until I see the whites of their eyes. That’s when I open my trunk.”
He let out a short, harsh laugh, and pointed to the large trunk under the window. It had seven keyholes in a row.

I watched it carefully, my eyes trailing all around the room stopping at places he could have hid the keys, until Moody’s next question brought mesharply back to earth.

“So . . . found out about the dragons, have you?”

" yes " I replied and he turned to Harry waiting for his answer who simply sat there quitely

“It’s all right,” said Moody, sitting down and stretching out his wooden leg with a groan. “Cheating’s a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and always has been.”

“I didn’t cheat,” said Harry sharply. “It was — a sort of accident that I found out.”

Moody grinned. “I wasn’t accusing you, laddie. I’ve been telling Dumbledore from the start, he can be as high-minded as he likes, but you can bet old Karkaroff and Maxime won’t be. They’ll have
told their champions everything they can. They want to win. They want to beat Dumbledore. They’d like to prove he’s only human.” Moody gave another harsh laugh, and his magical eye swiveled
around so fast it made me feel queasy to watch it.

“So . . . got any ideas how you’re going to get past your dragon yet?” said Moody.

“No,” said Harry.

“Well, I’m not going to tell you,” said Moody gruffly. “I don’t show favoritism, me. I’m just going to give you some good, general advice. And the first bit is — play to your strengths.”

“I haven’t got any,” said Harry, before he could stop himself.

" Quidditch" I quitely said and the two heads snapped towards me

" I've got a plan. Come on, let's go. If you'll excuse us " I turned towards Moody, grabbed my brother's hand and left his office.

Moody's office had a suffocating feeling that I just couldn't look past, it made me dizzy and feverish

I led Harry to an abandoned classroom and set up a few books at the farthest corner of the room to the nearest desk in front of us.

" Lia, I have herbology" Harry said

" doesn't matter, champions anyway are exempted from classes "

Harry looked at me apprehensively, both him and I knew that was a lie.

And so we practiced. Harry tried with all his might to make various objects fly across the room toward him. He was still having problems. The books and quills kept losing heart halfway across the room and dropping like stones to the floor.

“Concentrate, Harold, concentrate. . . .”

“What d’you think I’m trying to do?” said Harry angrily. “A great big dragon keeps popping up in my head for some reason."

" you loved the dragon we read about in kindergarten, didn't you? " I placed my head on his shoulder

" I thought it looked funny, it's rainbow scales and all " Harry's face broke into a small smile

 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚃𝚆𝙸𝙽 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙺𝙽𝙴𝚆 Where stories live. Discover now