Chapter 14| Something in Between

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It was the last words I ever expected to come from Arden's full lips. His past was no secret and I was certainly not the first nor last woman he would ever sleep with. In a way it was hurtful putting it into perspective for myself but it was also rewarding...

Arden admitted that I was the best.

I genuinely didn't expect that as I was not experienced and judging by where Josh ended up... In another woman's bed, I figured I wasn't quite versed in the area.

I flick him lightly, "You don't have to lie..." I say, heat filling my cheeks because suddenly I am completely aware that I am lying naked on top of Arden, our legs intertwined and his fingers lightly tracing my curves.

"I mean I'm down to go again and see ..." He replies and I can tell he is most likely smirking to himself.

This moment was so weird and unknown territory. I'm sure the last time Arden and I had cuddled like this was when our moms thought of the grand idea of a camping trip. It rained all night and his sisters stole all of the blankets the entire night. I remember shivering, contemplating going to our mom's tent when he whispered to me "Here move closer, our body heat will keep us warm," and when I gave him a yuck look, he simply shrugged and said "I learned it from boy scouts." So, with that I moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me.

But here I was, bare, butt ass naked, on top of a butt ass naked Arden, in our families summer house that we just defiled.

His fingers move to my hair, playing with an individual curl, "How was it?" He asks tentatively, which is nothing like him.

"I've... um... never really... um ... felt like that before." I stutter out in embarrassment.

"You've never cum before?" He asks using his pointer and middle finger to tip my chin so my eyes meet his.

"I mean, I dunno. Just not like that." He simply nods to himself before returning back to playing with one of my curls.

"Peach I'm going to make you..."

A loud knock on the front door startles us and I spring upwards, "Who is that?" I whisper at him frantically trying to find my discarded towel and he searches for at least his boxers.

"Nora!" Of all people it is Aliah... She said tomorrow at noon.

As my hand twists the handle I mentally kick the shit out of myself. The living room is a mess, I'm in a towel, my hair is probably all over the place and Arden is standing directly behind me in his boxers.

"Hey..." She pauses her eyes refocusing behind me, "Um, I hope we didn't interrupt anything." She adds her eyes begging me for some sort of information.

"We? Did you bring Jalen?" I ask her, leaning trying to see where he is and act normal.

"Yeah he should be up in a minute...." She seems hesitant and very, very curious. I can see her eyes scanning everything and everywhere.

"Come in, come in." I finally say backing up and fumbling into Arden.

Immediately his hands catch me at the hips and he keeps them there before quickly removing them.

That's all it takes for me to feel hot again.

"When Jalen comes in can you show him to the guest room?" I ask and he just nods in response as I lead Aliah up the stairs and into the guest room in between Arden and I's room.

She immediately punches me in the arm, "You so just got your brains fucked out", which results in my body filling with horror and my hands covering my face. Aliah, being my best friend, knows everything about that department of my life. She knows that I never really enjoyed anything sexual with Josh and that was okay because he always was satisfied and he was a great guy. She knew that on most days I dreaded coming home to the record player running and Josh cooking in the kitchen, it always meant he wanted some.

I shush her and I am rewarded with a smack on the arm.

"Ow!" I shriek giving her a look and she grins back.

"You so fucking did... Holy shit Nora." 


Just a quick filler chapter:)))))

Love you guys!

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