Chapter 1-Sketchbook

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A/N: We are going to make it so that Y/N has PANDAS, and Tourette's, pretend they have some knowledge on what that is, I want to add my illnesses just because, SPICE,  and I feel like the Phantom would care for us on our flare days.

Everything was a blur, the carriage wasn't even going that fast, but everything seemed like a blur, I mean one day I was Prima Donna in England, and now I'm going to be cleaning THE Opera Populaire in France, I mean, not the best job, but it paid well, it paid 10 000 Francs a month, most likely because the place was haunted by the famous Opera Ghost. I sat in the carriage drawing designs for clothes I would be sewing by hand in the future on days I had off.  I had the next 2 days to be drawing, and maybe singing as well. 

Most people fear me, and not for any reason like I'm mean, or a menace, I simply have Tourette's, and PANDAS, oh, and the occasional person saw my face and arm, both on the left side, which have patches that are significantly darker than the rest of my face and arm, windy days did not fare well, and most people saw what lay underneath my side bangs, covering my eye. Not to mention, I'm also blind in the left eye.  

Whilst doing my many drawings, I was thinking about what I heard about the opera house I was to be cleaning. Five years ago, I had heard that the Phantom was terribly disfigured on one half of his face, which was almost always covered by a white porcelain mask, except for the time during the Don Juan Triumphant when Christine Daee, the Prima Donna, had ripped it off, revealing his face to everyone, and honestly, I didn't believe he could be that ugly; this may be because I myself am always judged for something I was born with, but nonetheless. 

My family never believed I could do what I do, especially with costuming along with singing as a Prima Donna, or doing my 'silly' drawings. I easily proved them wrong, though, with talent, and a bit of luck, despite being a disabled young woman, who has a facial not deformity, but something wrong with it, I did prove them wrong. My family genuinely hated me, all for something out of my control. Well, except my mother, she loved me from the beginning, my family was never abusive, but they judged me heavily for my talents, so my mother always was there to encourage me, that was until a few years ago, when a terrible illness stole her from this life. 

Timeskip to the Opera Populaire

I left my bags with my sketchbooks, and music or, lyrics, I wrote, at the front entrance, as I put everything else into my room I would be staying in. I then grabbed my one bag and headed into town, as I didn't need to start cleaning till tomorrow, I decided to buy the cleaning supplies I needed, before bringing them back to the opera house, and leaving to buy some food. My former job had paid well, so I had a decent amount of money to spend, I bought simply bread, cheese, and jam, along with some fabrics, books, and art supplies. Today was a fairly calm tic day, so I didn't get many weird looks, which was always a good thing.

Heading back to the opera house, I decided to leave my bag at the front, tucking my bangs behind my ear, to put everything I had gotten in there rightful place, my books and other things in my room, and the bread and toppings in the kitchen. Today, I was to explore the opera house and see to what extent did I need to clean. First I went through the dormitories, which surprisingly were quite clean, although the bathrooms were a completely different story. The kitchen would need a good cleaning, all except the cupboard I had used to store my low quality food. Finally, after looking at the grand hall, and the dressing rooms, was the auditorium, where hopefully one day, I could be singing upon that stage. The auditorium was definitely in the worst shape, considering there was a giant chandelier in the front rows, and the other rows were covered in a thick film of dust. 

With that, it was a little before dinner time, so I decided I was to go grab my bag, sit on the stairs, and draw. To my surprise, my bag was being rummaged through by a tall masculine figure, cloaked in a black shroud of clothing. So, instead of startling him, I snuck up behind him, tapping him on the shoulder three times, keep in mind he was trapped between me and the wall. "Hello, I'm Y/N. That's my bag your going through, oh, I see you have my design sketchbook, do you like it?" I said, to which he responded in a thick raspy voice "Yes." Was all he said. "Well come on, I can show you through it then," I said, grabbing his free hand, and dragging him up to my room. The man seemed too confused to do anything other than follow me, I mean he was most likely the Phantom of the Opera, which meant he could easily kill me, but I'm a kind person. 

Back in my room, I sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to me, where the man then sat with hesitation, before placing my bag down and giving me the sketchbook. Then, I ended up showing him some of my original designs I made simply for fun, before going into the ones I made for the Operas I had been apart of. It was mainly me doing the talking, with only an "ah", or an "oh," from him to signal he was listening, until I asked him the simple question. "Are you the Phantom of the Opera?" To which he responded with a curt "Yes," before asking me a question whilst pointing at my face in a direct manner, "What happened to your face?" 

"I could ask you the same, but I don't want my one friend to run away by my impoliteness, but in response, I was simply born with it like that, exactly how I was born blind," I replied, before noticing he looked away as I called him a friend before looking at me again. For the next few hours, I showed him my designs, and costume designs, along with the dresses I had sewn all by hand, telling him it could take a few hours, to a few days, depending on how complex the designs were. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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