My boys - Chapter 13

Start from the beginning


There was another one and soon after another one.

We all stood up, hugging the wall and  creeped down the stairs. Trying our best not to trip in the dark.

Colby was infront of me, Sam was in the very back. Colby grabbed my hand without looking back. Then he made a break to the murder room.

Once we were outside we kept running till we were almost a mile away from the factory.

I flopped down in the tall grass to try and catch my breath and the others did the same.

We layed there for a good 10 minutes and decided to get a move on.

After walking for what felt like forever we made it to the traintracks and the train appeared again. For the seccond time it came out of nowhere.

We sat down in the tall grass to wait it out.

"We are gonna get home late!" I shout over the train.

Colby pulled me into him so we were laying like this.

Sam scooched into Colby's side, being his adorable self as usual

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Sam scooched into Colby's side, being his adorable self as usual. I smiled and closed my eyes, enjoying being in his arms.

About 15 minutes later the train was gone and Colby checked the time. It was already 8:14pm.

"My mom is gonna fucking kill me." I mutter mostly to myself.

"You'll be fine, we have your back Shay." Sam said.

I love the way he says my name.

"Yeah you think I would ever let your mom touch you?" Jake added.

"No." I answered.

"Exactly." Colby piped in.

We all piled in the car and I couldn't help but check his phone again. It was 8:32 and I was freaking out.

"Relax you'll be fine." Colby assures, drawing circles on my leg.

"That's what everyone always says." I retort.

"Because its true." Sam looks up from the road and at me in the rear view mirror.

"Eyes on the road." I tell him because I have nothing else to say.

"You should watch the footage." Jake says from the passenger seat handing me the camera.

I found the clip of the estes method and hit play.

"Are there any spirits here?" Sam asked.

"Yes" I said.

"How many?" Colby questioned.

"Just three" I uttered.

"Why are we haunted?" Sam inquired.

"Stole from me." I said kinda loudly.

"What did we take?" Jake butted in.

"Box." I barked.

"A female voice wispered leave." I reported.

"NO" I belted not knowing how loud I was.

"Leave." I insisted.

"They are coming." And with those words Colby reached for the thing he keeps tucked as instict for his fear. They were all wide-eyed.

"Do you guys hear that?"

I watched myself jump and rip the headphones and blindfold off.

I stopped watching the footage as I experienced firsthand what came next.

"Wow." That was all I could muster up.

"Were hereEeer!" Sam sang.

We all jumped out the car and ran inside.

My mom was on the couch and she didn't say a word but she gave me the death stare. Then she rolled her eyes and walked off into her room.

We showered one at a time. Sam, Colby and I sat on the couch waiting for Jake. When he came out he ran and jumped on the airmatress.

"Whats up bitches?" He said chuckling.

"Jake." Colby hissed with his eyes closed.

"What?" He replied.

"Did you just pop the airmatress?" Colby muttered eyes still closed.

"Uhhhh. Yeah." Jake answered honestly, slowly sinking to the floor.

"Jake!" Sam shouted.

"I guess one of you have to sleep with Shay." He added noncholantly and I turned red at the thought.

"Shay you pick." Colby intructed making long eyecontact with me.

"Why me!?" I asked knowing I can't pick between the two.

"Sam heads, Colby tails. He siri flip a coin." He added.

"Okay. Its tails." She said.

"See problem solved." Jake said with a goofy smile and a thumb up. He was now fully on the floor.

"You are a good adult." I say being completely sarcastic.

"Thank you!" He joked.

"Alright im exhausted good night." I mumble, walking to my room. Sam followed not far behind.

"Night!" He murmured.

I jumped on my bed throwing the decorative  pillows on the floor and climbing under my blanket. Sam climbed in beside me wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his face in my neck.

"Goodnight." He wispered in a raspy voice.

"Goodnight." I wispered back.

Within a few moments his soft snores filled the air, soothing me to sleep.

A/n please vote love yall stay safe.

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