Chapter 12

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May levitates the stuff in Violets room as Violet reads a magazine.

all of a sudden a small demon appears making the girls scream and run out of the room.

Violet and May come running downstairs. May runs towards Dash and he holds her.

"What the heck is that?!" Violet says pointing to the top of the stairs.

Jack-Jack's in his monster form and then goes back to normal.

"Jack-Jack has powers?!" Dash and May say at the same time.

"Well, yeah, but..." Bob says picking the baby up.

"You knew about this?" Violet asks him. "Yeah."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Violet tells him. "I don't know."

"We're your kids! We need to know these things!" Dash says as May just follows them.

"Did you tell Mom?" Violet asks her dad. "No."

"Why not?!" Violet says. "Your mother is not..."

"You'd want us to tell you, wouldn't you?" Dash tells him as he grabs May's hand.

"Why would you not tell Mom?" Violet asks. "Because I didn't wanna..."

"What?" "Come on, man!" Both Violet and Dash say.

"Because it's not the time." Bob tells them. "Why?" "Because..."

"So uncool!" Dash says.

"BECAUSE I'M FORMULATING, OKAY?!?! I'm taking in information, I'm processing! I'm doing the math, I'm fixing the boyfriend and keeping the baby from turning into a flaming monster! How do I do it?! By rolling with the punches, BABY! I eat thunder and CRAP lightning, OKAY?! 'Cause I'm Mr. Incredible! Not "Mr. So-So" or "Mr. Mediocre-Guy". MR. INCREDIBLE!" Bob yells out angry and frustrated.

"We should call Lucius." May says looking at Bob.

"NO! I can handle it! There's no way I'm gonna-" Bob starts to say.

Jack-Jack sneezes and flies out of the house. Bob quickly runs outside, breaking a glass door and catches him while also falling in the pool. "Dada."

"I'm calling Lucius." May says going to the phone.

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"Looks normal to me. When did this start happening?" Lucius says looking at Jack-Jack.

"Since Helen and Luc got the job." Bob tells him as May stands next to Lucius.

"I assume she knows?" Lucius asks him.

"Are you kidding? I can't tell her about this, not while she's doing hero work!" Bob tells him.

Jack-Jack sees Elastigirl on the TV "Mama!"

"Girls, come on. Leave the saving the world to the men? I don't think so. "Mama!" Jack-Jack says as Bob turns off the TV.

"I've got to succeed! So she can succeed. So we can succeed!" Bob tells him.

"I get it, Bob! I get it. When was the last time you slept?" Lucius asks him.

"Who keeps track of that? Besides, he's a baby. I can handle it, I got this handled." Bob tells him.

"So, you good then? You got everything under control, right?" Lucius says as they turn around to see Jack-Jack go to the other dimension. "What the--?!"

"Cookie! Cha Cha want a cookie? Num-num cookie? Cha Cha wanna num-num? Num-num cookie! Cookie! Cookie!" Bob calls out holding a cookie out.

"You're not...Oh my God!" Lucius says as May follows him.

"Cookie!" Bob yells out.

Jack-Jack comes back from the other dimension and gets a cookie "Dada! Dada. Dada."

"Whoa! Okay! Okay. So, he can still hear you from the..." "...from the other dimension, yeah."

"That is freaky. I mean, that's not like..." "not like our other kids. No, it is not. Full powers, totally random."

"So, now he's what? Is he good?" Lucius asks him.

"Yeah, you'd think so, right? Obviously, I can't keep giving him cookies!!!" Bob says frustrated.

"But if I stop."!Jack-Jack turns into his monster form and leaps on Bob.

"Ahhh! He is freaking! Again, he is freaking!" Lucius yells out putting May behind him.

"No! No biting the daddy! No biting!"

"What the--?!" Lucius tells our making May laugh at the sense.

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Bob, Lucius, May and Jack-Jack sitting on the couch and Jack-Jack is eating an ice ball. He finishes it and starts to ask for another one.

"Okay" Lucius says as he makes another ice ball.

"I think I just need a little bit of me time. Then I'll be good to go." Bob tells him.

"Oh, you need more than me time, Bob. You need major life realignment on a number of levels. Starting with baby superfreak here! You need some solid outside-the-box thinking." Lucius tells him.

"I should go help Violet with her powers goodnight guys." May says getting up.

"Night little red." Lucius says kissing the girls head.

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Violet's reading while Bob comes back and sits on the couch.

"Hey, Vi." "Hey. Where's Jack-Jack?"

"E's taking him for a little bit." "Edna is babysitting?" she tells him. "Yeah."

"And you're okay with this?" Violet asks him. May walks out of her room hearing Bob and Violet downstairs.

"Yeah. I don't know why, but yeah." Bob says as Violet is about to leave but Bob tells her something "I wanted to say something to you. Sorry about Tony. I didn't think about Dicker erasing his memory or about you having to pay the price for a choice you never made. It's not fair, I know. And then, I made it worse at the restaurant by trying to...Anyway. Anyway...I'm sorry. I'm used to knowing what the right thing to do is but now, I'm not sure anymore. I just wanna be a good dad." Bob tells his daughter.

"You're not good. You're super." Violet says hugging him as May watches from upstairs smiling sadly wishing she had a dad like that.

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