Chapter 30 // Switching Sides

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You ended up ranting to Shinso all night about how much of an asshole you thought Bakugo was. Well, everyone knew he was a jerk. It was his personality, and the fact that he inferred he wouldn't date you wasn't why you thought he was an asshole. It was the fact that he acted so repulsed by you in front of other people, yet he acted completely different when it was just the two of you. It was as if he was ashamed to be associated with you.

When morning came, you were the first one up, and you didn't bother changing before heading to the front of the building and waiting outside the front doors for Shinso's parent's car to pull up. He said the previous night his parents would drive him up as soon as possible the next morning, so you were impatient and eager.

"[L/N], you're up early."

You perked up at the sound of Aizawa's voice and turned around to see him exiting the building through the front doors, which you and been standing in front of for at least ten minutes now.

"Training doesn't start until six," the hero continued. His eyes raked over you body, eventually stopping on your tired, red, and puffy eyes. "Is it your wound?" he asked.

"What?" you replied.

"You've been crying," he acknowledged. "Is it because of your wound?"

"Oh," you exhaled, "no."

Aizawa simply hummed in response, and you turned to look back at the path paved in the woods, hoping Shinso would appear soon.

"Are you waiting for someone?" your teacher asked.

"Shinso's coming to visit," you answered quietly.

"He is?" Aizawa questioned. "You planned this without asking for permission."

You whipped your head around to look at Aizawa, eyes wide. Was it really such a big deal that Shinso was coming?

"I didn't think..." you trailed off, silencing yourself when Aizawa almost managed a smile.

"It's fine," Aizawa stated, "but don't make this a habit. I suppose it works out since I am training Shinso."

"So it's okay that he's coming?" you asked, and Aizawa nodded.

"Yes, but, like I said," he began, "don't make this a habit. This is a training camp, not a sleepover."

"Trust me, it'll only be Shinso," you replied with a hoarse chuckle. "I don't have any other friends."

"And yet you and Bakugo seemed to be getting along just fine," Aizawa commented, but the mention of the blond caused your smile to fade away.

"We're not friends. I don't want to associate myself with someone who is so repulsed by me," you explained while looking toward the woods once more.

Aizawa moved to stand beside you, allowing you to partially see him through your peripheral vision.

"What makes you think he's repulsed by you?" Aizawa asked. "From what I can tell, it's the opposite."

"Yes, because someone who's absolutely disgusted by the thought of being romantically involved with me must not be repulsed by me," you stated sarcastically with an annoyed sigh.

"Do you want him to be romantically involved with you?" Aizawa responded, sounding surprisingly curious.

Upon hearing the question, your cheeks heated up, growing pink. You looked at the ground.

You didn't know what you were expecting to gain when you first began interacting with Bakugo. Maybe it was a friendly rivalry. Maybe it was something to look forward to during the festival. Maybe it was a motivation for striving to get into the hero course. Maybe it was a friend. Maybe it was a challenge. Maybe you wanted to befriend him just because no one else could.

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