The unspoken pain

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Weeks passed since that restless night, and Emma's life remained shrouded in darkness. She had taken a small step forward by making an appointment with a therapist, Dr. Lydia, recommended by a friend who had been through a similar journey. But the days leading up to the first session felt like an eternity, a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

Emma's anxiety levels surged as she sat in the waiting room of Dr. Lydia's office, her palms clammy and her heart racing. She had brought a worn journal with her, filled with scribbled thoughts and emotions that she couldn't voice aloud. It had become a silent confidant, a witness to her unspoken pain.

When her name was finally called, Emma reluctantly rose from her seat and followed the receptionist down a dimly lit corridor. The door to Dr. Lydia's office stood slightly ajar, inviting her in. She took a deep breath, mustering the courage to cross the threshold.

Dr. Lydia was a warm, compassionate woman with kind eyes that seemed to see through Emma's defenses. As they sat down in the cozy, softly lit room, Dr. Lydia offered Emma a reassuring smile. "It's okay to feel nervous," she said gently. "This is a safe space, and we can take things at your pace."

For the first time in years, Emma found herself opening up, sharing the fragments of her story

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