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Summary: Eman pulls over the car to fall asleep as Arlo wakes up hours later, with Yronica waking up shortly after. The two chat and then the rest wake up. After a bit of driving, Eman screams and slams the brakes, hitting whatever appears in front of her. The group checks it out and finds out they hit Sarah. Arlo helps bandage her arm and replaces Kelvin's bandages then arrives in Cliffmack Beach. But then there was a thud on the car and Eman screamed, not paying attention causing the car to crash and everyone to pass out. Let the chapter begin.

Yeona was last to be revived, Dae-jung and Iris helping the whole group. "Didn't you see you were crossing the line?" Dae-jung asks Yeona.

"I just wanted you to notice me..." Yeona says in shame as she looks away from Dae-jung in embarrassment as he grabs her wrist and pulls her up after bandaging her.

"Here," Iris says, giving a pot of life to Arlo, "The beauty of nature."

"Hey, thanks," Arlo says, "If it weren't for you two, we would've all bled out."

"My clothes! My Birkin!" Yronica shouts.

"Yronica, it's okay," Dae-jung tries to reassure, but only gets scolded.

"Okay? OKAY!? DON'T YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THIS WAS!?" Yronica scolds Dae-jung.

That's when they heard someone panting from behind them, "Yronica... Eman...!"

Yronica and Eman look and see it's Aaaqil. "Aaaqil! Where's Callum?" Eman asks.

"He wasn't with you guys?" The black-haired boy says, slightly sweating and glasses slipping off his face.

"Ugh, useless I say!" Yronica shouts.

"Aaaqil, nice of you to join us," Yeona says, hoping Aaaqil would ignore Yronica's rude statement towards him.

"Don't listen to Yronica," Arlo reassures Aaaqil, "Though now we have to walk from destination to destination..."

"Oof..." Yeona pouts.

Aaaqil turns around in a panic, "We have to hide!" Aaaqil turns to the rest and starts running, clearly out of breath but the others tag along, Yronica perching herself in the front.

"Aaaqil who was chasing you last?" Kelvin asks.

"Mr. Ross was," Aaaqil tells the group, "He was searching for Yronica..."

"Who now?! Mr. Ross!?" Yronica quietly exclaims to herself, "He's gonna kill me if he gets me..."

"Alright, keep Yronica in front of everyone then to protect her, I'll be staying in the back for lookout with Kelvin," Iris says.

"Dae-jung and I will take chase if needed," Eman says, getting confirmation from Dae-jung to do so, "Everyone else, hide Yronica."

Everyone nods their heads, understanding their positions, and have the ones hiding Yronica move forward with Iris keeping watch and Dae-jung to loop while Kelvin and Eman stay back to keep watch and loop.

"Yronica! Move to the middle of the crowd!" Eman shouts towards Yronica while trying to not be too loud to alert Mr. Ross. Yronica obliges, and now she's in the middle of the crowd when Mr. Ross shows up.

"Eman! What could you be doing here with Aaaqil?" Daryl asks.

"Why would that happen to be your business?" Eman asks, "As far as I know you're just someone trying to kill us."

"Only for Rose!" Daryl defensively says, "You let her kill Rose, now, do you have anything to say for yourself!?"

"Rose...? I thought she switched schools?" Eman is now curious, what could he mean by 'letting her kill Rose'? Who was he talking about?

"Yronica killed my daughter and you 3 let it happen!" Daryl is shouting more, "You can't run!"

Lunging towards Kelvin, Eman moves him out of the way and takes a hit, making herself invisible.

"What- stupid wallflower!" Daryl annoyingly says, facing Kelvin now, "Alright, no more messing around!"

"I'm used to running! I run a lot, actually!" Kelvin shouts as he runs off to a looping area, "How the heck did you not see the huge crowd of people?"

"I saw them, but you were closer to me which makes you easier prey," Daryl says.

"If only you saw who was in that crowd..." Kelvin mumbles.

"What was that?" Daryl asks, narrowly missing Kelvin as he vaults.

"Nothing!" Kelvin says in a taunting voice.

"Brat!" Daryl lunges for the kill, but someone pulls Kelvin out of the way and tells him to move on.

"Ah, STAR*STRUCK member Dae-jung. Great meeting you!" Daryl says, a bit annoyed he couldn't catch Kelvin, "Don't you know to not bother someone in the middle of killing? Like your poor friend Ye-Jun."

"Keep his name out of this!" Dae-jung shouts at Daryl, scared of what could happen if Ye-Jun really does show up.

"Was that fear I sensed in your voice? Ye-Jun will get a laugh out of this," Darly chuckles to himself.

"Alright... let's just get a move on! I'm tired of sitting here and listening to you blab about Ye-Jun!" Dae shouts, surprising Daryl a bit.

"I knew he liked feisty types. I'll leave you for Ye-Jun to find," Daryl says, leaving Dae.

"Weirdo..." Dae mumbles and runs off to find the others waving at him.

"We have to go! It's getting dangerous here!" Yeona shouts as Sarah coughs.

"There's something in the air that shouldn't be breathed in, but we don't," Sarah coughs, "We don't know what."

"It's affected almost everyone here, seems as if it hasn't gotten to you yet Dae," Arlo says, coughing a little.

"This isn't good, we must get out!" Dae says, seeing some heads nod.

"Yes, but, how do we get out?" Iris asks.

"With that psycho here it's hard to find opportunity," Yronica says, "For all we know he could be guarding the exit!"

"I might've seen an exit earlier," Kelvin says, coughing, "Let me check something first." Kelvin aims his sonar dart and shoots it, detecting Daryl, "It's as we feared, he may be guarding the exit."

"What if we distracted him by completing a generator?" Aaaqil suggests, "Or baiting him with Yronica by saying she's somewhere when in reality she isn't there..."

"Great idea!" Yeona yells, "But who's doing it?"

"I say Aaaqil," Yronica says, "He's the one who had the idea in the first place."

"I'm sure he's fond of me, kind of, so I was gonna offer to do it," Aaaqil says, going towards the exit.

"Wait! In case something happens let me go with you," Yronica says, everyone staring at her in shock, "Don't get the wrong idea, I'm only going to use his power for my escape."

"Ah, right, should've figured," Arlo says, wondering if the talk in the car- the two bonding(?) was just that moment alone where she showed her true colors.

Everyone wishes Aaaqil luck as Yronica follows close to him and the others just behind them, he moves around the corner and Yronica hides behind a car as the two talk, being able to overhear their conversation.

"Mr. Ross...? I found Yronica and she's at the docks," Aaaqil tells Daryl scaredly.

"Ah, Aaaqil! You were always one of my favorites," Daryl pats Aaaqil on the head, who happens to be shaking, "Now, where at the docks?"

"Just the docks, she's considering swimming away and I," Aaaqil coughs, "was wondering if you'd spare Callum, Eman, and me if I told you where she was so you could get her."

"And how do I know you're not lying?" Daryl asks.

"I'll go with you to the docks!" Aaaqil says, and Daryl nods, leading Aaaqil to the docks as he slowly stops following him and goes back to the exit, where everyone is gathered up.

"You did great Aaaqil," Eman tells the shaking boy.

"Yeah, that was great," Iris says and everyone walks out of Cliffmack Beach.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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