Comfort||Little Sasha

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▪︎requested by:
▪︎little sasha, caregiver anne
▪︎takes place during s3B

As the leader in Wartwood during the time Anne has been gone, Sasha has been under a lot of pressure. So to say it kindly irked her when she remained the leader of the amphibians was a bit of an understatement. 

She had to deal with being a leader, showing herself as a true friend to Anne, and worrying about Marcy all at the same time. It was exhausting, and she wanted a break. But that wasn't a plausible scenario for her.

Instead, she toughed it out and met up with Anne and the Plantars. They all were going to pitch ideas to help aid them in the rebellion.

"Hey guys, sorry for being so late. I won't let it happen again" She apologized, going over to stand next to Anne. Who in return just smiled, and embraced Sasha into a side hug.

"You aren't even late, Sash. Plus do you know me? I used to be such a slacker... you're clearly doing better than that" she joked, trying to cheer her friend up.

Sasha wished it worked, but it didn't help with how she felt. She felt overworked and agitated. She knew that if she continued to feel like this she would lash out. Which wasn't something she wanted to do. Her anger isn't easy to control, but she has managed it. So instead of making a scene, she decided to do the rational thing.

She excused herself from the room. "Carry on with the planning. I am not feeling the best at the moment. Must be getting sick or something... once again, sorry guys."

They all shared worried and sympathetic glances. Anne was the most worried of course. But she knew the importance of this planning, and as uneasy as it left her she knew that she had to carry on. Or else, no progress would be made.

While the four were creating plans, Sasha opted to go into a secluded room. There was absolutely nothing that resembled a bed, but she made do with a stone pillar structure.

She laid her head down and pressed her hands against her face. She wanted to scream, or kick something. Instead, all she managed to do was cry. She was extremely frustrated, and this is how she decided to let that frustration out.

Everything that had happened to her in these last few months was replaying in her brain. Unwanted flashbacks, it seemed to be. This only increased the amount of tears that ran down her face.

Everything else was tuned out but her thoughts. So she never realized her crying began to turn into sobbing. The others did, and Anne immediately stopped with her portion of the planning. She advised that the Plantar's carry-on, as it was VERY important.

Her on the other hand, well, she was going to check up on her feisty friend. She found the room where she heard the sobbing coming from and opened the door. The sight that lay before her was heartbreaking.

She softly made her way over to Sasha and gently placed her hand on the blonde's face. She lifted Sasha's chin up, to meet the gaze of Anne's eyes. When Sasha saw who it was, she felt her face redden. Suddenly she felt much embarrassed about the situation. She launched herself up, pushing Anne's hand away. Now she was in a position in which she was hugging her knees.

"Go 'way, don' need you here" she frowned, hugging herself tighter.

"I don't think someone so small should be left to themselves. Hm?" Anne spoke, with much patience and kindness.

"M'not small? 'm 13" she whispered, still in a semi-harsh tone, but it was also laced with confusion. Because the descriptor of small felt right.

"Honey I don't think that's true. Y'know Marcy taught me all about this, I think you are experiencing age regression. So... dear, you are in fact, very small" Anne continued to speak, booping her friend's nose.

Though still upset, a small smile formed around Sasha's face. "Oh... okay. Don' like it. Wanna be big! Gotta help n stuff."

"You'll still be able to help, bug. But right now it seems you need to regress. I'll happily look after you, you know that. C'mere, let me give you a hug."

Sasha simply did as told. She wanted to fuss more, but in the end, her exhaustion won. She clung onto the other, and continued to cry, into Anne's shoulder. The other just rubbed Sasha's back gently and reassured her that everything would be fine. Anne would make sure of that. No matter how long it took to comfort her friend, she would be by the other's side.

Once Sasha got back into her regular headspace Anne would elaborate on what happened. Until then, the two would remain where they were. Unexpected but neither girl disliked it. In fact, Anne would see if it could become part of their normal routine.


A/N: I don't know if I like how this came out 😅 But hopefully you all enjoy it! I really want to write some little Anne, so if anyone has any requests for it, please throw them my way!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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