Small Day||Little Anne

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▪︎Little Anne, CG Sasha


Anne had managed to get through the entire day without regressing. It was the coping mechanism she turned to when everything got too overwhelming. 

Classes had been starting to get to her. She tried her best to stay on top of everything and maintain decent, passing grades. But in math class specifically, the grade had started lowering in score.

The teacher was decent at his job. Anne just wished he'd explain the steps slower. She didn't have time to process all the information.

After the school day ended, she found Sasha. They weren't that close anymore, especially since Marcy moved. But neither of them loathed each other.

"Hi Sash" Anne greeted, offering a smile. The other girl turned her attention to Anne, and immediately went up to hug her.

"Hey Anna-Banana! How have you been?" Sasha asked, grinning.

"I've been good, kind of wanted to have a small day though..." Anne mumbled, trying to whisper. She didn't want others to overhear.

"Hm? Well, we can have a small day at my house. My parents aren't there, so we'll have the entire place to ourselves. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great Sash!" Anne smiled, linking her hand with Sasha's. The two walked back to Sasha's house, as it was in walking distance.

Once there Sasha took Anne to her room. "Hang on I have brand new regression gear around here somewhere. I was totally going to give it to you! Must've forgot..." she stated, an apologetic tone to her voice.

"It's fine Sash, we don't hang out much anymore. It makes sense" she chuckled dryly, feeling a bit sad. She missed hanging out with Sasha and Marcy so much. They felt the same way, of course. But none of them knew how much they missed each other. Missed being a group of three, a trio.

"Aha! Here are the items" Sasha expressed, turning around to Anne to show her. In her arms was a bag full of age regression items.

The contents of the bag consisted of pacifiers, teethers, sippy cups, bottles, and a few stuffed animals.

Knowing how much Anne cared about Amphibia, most plushies in there were amphibian related. She got a pinkish-red one, as she thought it would remind Anne of sprig. Unsure if Anne even wants to remember him.

"Here, thought you'd like this guy" she spoke, handing over the plush to Anne.

"Omg, Sash! This lil fella is so cute" Anne excitedly spoke, as she wrapped the frog plush in her arms.

"I thought you'd think that Boonchuy" Sasha quipped. "You can pick everything else if you'd like" Sasha commented, putting the items on her bed.

Anne rummaged through everything, deciding on what she wanted. Out of the items she picked a blue pacifier, decorated with butterflies. She also chose a sippy cup, a plain green design. There were no patterns, Anne liked the simplicity of that.

"This will be all. Thanks for this, I really appreciate it" Anne said, her voice getting softer.

"No problem, glad I can help a friend. Now c'mon, lay down. I am sure there's cartoons on some channel" she offered, patting a place for Anne to lay down.

"Can we get juice first?" she questioned, looking at the blonde.

"Ah sure thing, silly me" Sasha chuckled. Anne could tell that the other was using a much different tone, but one she was familiar with. It was the voice Sasha used when trying to coax either Anne or Marcy into regressing.

And to simply put it, it was working.

"Mhm! Uhm I was wonderin' can we get snacks, also?" Anne asked, softly.

"Sure, thing bud, I have goldfish lying around. I also have gummies, if you'd like those."

"Yeah, I would, sounds yummy" Anne responded, nodding her head.

The two walked into the kitchen together. Sasha filled the cup up, though Anne insisted she could.

They came to the agreement that Anne could get the snacks. And that was a bargain Anne simply couldn't refuse.

She placed the goldfish in a paper bowl and carried two small gummy packets in her hand. Sasha held the sippy cup, which now contained orange juice.

After getting everything they needed from the kitchen they went back to Sasha's room. Both girls climbed in bed, while Sasha scrolled through the TV channels.

She found that her best bet would be a children's channel. As she went through it, she remembered that her and Anne watched My Little Pony together when they were younger. So little Anne might still like it, and that's what Sasha eventually settled on.

Upon pressing play, Anne's attention immediately went towards the television. She heard the theme song and began humming along.

"Sashy!! Dis was such a good pick" she excitedly murmured.

"Why thanks Boonchuy, glad you like it" Sasha said, smiling at the other. Compared to how Anne acted hours prior, Sasha could really see how much calmer she was now. Oh, and to state the obvious, she was most definitely regressed. School must've been really getting to her... Sasha would talk to her about it later. But for now, she had a little to care for.

Anne held the stuffie and ate away at the goldfish crackers. She felt much more relaxed than she did earlier, and it was thanks to Sasha. She really appreciated her friend's care. Maybe they could do it more often? But that was a question Anne would have to ask when she's no longer in little space.

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