Chapter 3: Corruption

Start from the beginning

Anis:"...What ?"

Rapi:" Shifty, can you send me the data for the transport ship's black box ?"

Shifty:" Sure, once I'm done analyzing it. It won't take long."

Rapi:"okay, thanks."

Shifty:"Just a sec. well then, hello there ! I'm Shifty, an operator from the Ark Intelligence Department. I will be assisting you throughout the operation from here on out. Nice to be working with you."

Y/n:" me too

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Y/n:" me too."

Y/n thought:'damn kinda forgot that Shift Up did make a character that references to themselves. Eh it's their game so I don't mind.' 

Shifty:"Yep !"

And so, Y/n and his team continue going on the road to their coordinates, until, Anis decided to spoke up:"Hey Commander ?"

Y/n:"yeah ?"

Anis:"I wonder, about earlier when you decided to leave for Rapi to check for Marian if there's any malfunctioning."

Y/n:"Well I'm not really here for that, to see some Nikkes breast is not a part of this job tbh."

Anis:"Right, so you don't see us that way do you ?"

Y/n:"What way ?"

Anis:"Well, the last thing they're thinking of when they see us is sex, trust me."

Y/n:"Oh yeah that way..."

Anis:"So, you DO see us that way. Interesting." 

Upon hearing that, Y/n flipped Anis cause that's not what he think of. He think of them as friends not some sexual emotionless fighting machine. 

Anis:"Do you really have to do that ?"

Y/n:"Well it's not my fault that this happen."

Anis:"Well okay. No need to be rude."

Until, Shifty come up and said:"High class energy detected ahead, most likely Lord class."

Y/n:"Huh well good lord we don't have to deal with that one goat monster from "Do you copy ?"though."

Anis:"What ? What's something that big doing here ? Also what do you mean about the goat monster from "Do you copy" Commander ?"

Y/n:"Well yeah nevermind. Just some stuffs that make no sense that's all."


Rapi:" I suggest we retreat."

Marian:"What about the missing Nikkes."

Anis:"We leave them behind."

Y/n:" Pfffft-."

Anis:" what ? Is there something funny about this ?"

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