"So, I'm guessing you've heard the news." "What news?" "That Hiccup's back on Berk." "Oh yeahhh."

I was desperately peeking behind for signs of the auburn haired boy, but to no avail,

"Lass, you know that boy better than any Berkian, you know he's not here, you can stop trying to peek." Stoick laughed and I blushed,

'So much for being discrete.'

"But you can come with me, I'm gonna go see him and probably bring him home." I shook my head profusely,

"No no, this is a good time for bonding between you too, I won't interfere." He eyed me.

"Fine, but I'm assuming you want to cook me breakfast, again?" "Don't I always?" He laughed

"Make that for two, will ya lass?" I turned to Gobber who was already heading to the academy and rolled my eyes.


I made breakfast for three, including Hiccup, why? Because I felt like.

I was cleaning up the kitchen utensils I had used when the door finally opened,

"Uhm, dad?" "Yes Hiccup." "Isn't Y/n too young to be your wife?" I choked and started coughing right there.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." He handed me a cup and started patting my back, and I looked out the corner of my eye to see Gobber and Stoick snickering to themselves.

After I finally calmed down, I did the only reasonable thing to do, I punched Hiccup in the arm,

"OW." "That's for assuming I was married to your dad, I mean come on, we're the same age." "Well what would you think if you walked into a house and saw a woman in the kitchen doing wifely things?"

I face palmed, "You're an idiot." "I know, but was the punch really necessary?" "Yeah."

He pouted at me, "Just go eat your breakfast." "You made breakfast?" "I always make breakfast."

So while his dad and Gobber were already eating, he smiled at me,

"Thanks Y/n."

Oh Thor, help me, the butterflies and the blushing will be a constant as long as he's here, but it wasn't fair so I just did what came naturally.

I pulled him into a hug, due to our difference in height, ended up in his chest,

"This is for coming back, I missed you, y'know?"

I felt a faint peck on my head as he hugged me back, could it be? He liked me too.

"Come on, knowing you,you probably forgot to cook for yourself, so you're eating with me."
"Hey Astrid?" "Hm?"

I contemplated whether I should be telling the blonde about what was being planned against her ex, then decided to just go for it

"Morgana wants to seduce Hiccup."

Silence. And as far as I knew, with Astrid, that could never be a good thing.

Then suddenly, she burst out laughing.

Me and my stormcutter, Muzzler, just stared at her like she was insane.

"Well tell her I said good luck with that.". "What do you mean?"

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