|Eret| The Hottest Dragon Trapper I Ever Met

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Time Frame: Httyd 2

Warnings: Slight foul language

Genre: Fluff
  I quickly landed on the island  I suspected Hiccup was on and I was right, mostly because I was dragged along on this 'test solo-flight' experience or something, though I wasn't really paying attention till when he crashed through the sea stack.

I quickly hopped off my razorwhip, Skryla ( I couldn't think of a better one lol), and began looking for my younger brother and gave up after a few seconds,

"I'm done, he's dead anyways."

I got a growl in response and a smack on the back of my head, I turned to glare at my dragon,

"Fine, he's not dead...probably, but I'm not going to look for him."

I slouched back into the tree I was leaning on as Skryla rolled her eyes at me

"I'm just saying it's not the first time I've lost him, but he's Hiccup, he'll turn up... eventually."

She just laid beside me and closed her eyes, just as I began relaxing, she peeked up and flung me on her back before flying off,

"Woah girl, what's wrong?"

I didn't get a reply as she flew towards where she was supposedly headed,

"What's going o- woahhh."

I stated at the fort that had huge spikes of ice sticking out of every angle,

"What happened here?" "FIRE."

I barely had time to register what was happening before I was engulfed in a net and was headed towards a ship.

"Well lads, it seems Drago is going to have a new addition to his army."

I heard a voice say before I noticed a foot on Skryla's nuzzle and I gasped


Probably startled, the person backed off of it and looked at me as I got out of the netting and glared at the perpetrator, but my mouth hung open cus this man was


Like if Thor and Loki were combined sexy, okay maybe not that sexy, but you get the point that he is actually hot.

For some reason, I immediately lost all curses that I had planned to rain upon him and just went for the simpler approach,

"A-and who do you think you are to step on my dragon?"  "I am Eret, son of Eret." "That's a pretty boring name if you ask me." "Well I prefer to have a name so that the dragons I capture can remember it easily." "So you're a dragon trapper?"

He smirked at me, wow,

"Only the finest there is." "You got the finest part right."

A little chuckle escaped his lips.

"Well why don't you, fine lass, introduce yourself?" "I would, but you're a dragon trapper, so yeah that's classified shit."

Another chuckle.

"Not even a little clue?" "Hmm, how abouttt, 'None of your damn business.'" "Fiesty, I like it." "Well, you're not the first." "I hope to be the last."

Damn it, he's good, if he keeps this up, I'll end up in his bed by tomorrow morning, not like it would be a bad thing, but still.

"How unfortunate, what makes you think you're the last?" "I've got your dragon, there's really no means of escape right now." "You sure about that?"

I asked cockily as I gestured to my younger brother and his girlfriend who were currently heading towards us, unfortunately Stormfly too got caught in a net and fell onboard, I quickly ran to her.

"It's okay girl, I'm here, shhh, you'll be alright."

I watched as she silently began cutting Skryla's ropes and I thanked her and began loosening her ropes before I was rudely yanked away from her,

"HEY." "SHUT UP." "Just for that...LET GO OF ME FOR FUCK'S SAKE." "Damn it, you won't shut up will you?" "Nope."

I glared and stomped on his foot and ran towards my brother,

"Took you long enough." "You wouldn't be here if you just came to look for me." "I did." "For how long?" "Like 30, probably 40 seconds and then I gave up."

He facepalmed,

"Really?" "That's the longest I looked for you, I knew you were alive though." "Did you?" "Fine, I thought you were dead, but after some reassurance, I decided you were missing, but you'll show up eventually."

Astrid let out a laugh at our conversation as Eret shot us a look,

"Is he like your boyfriend?" "My younger brother, why? You jealous over there?"

He cleared his throat and looked away.

I zoned out for the rest of the interaction and only got back in when the dragons took off, when Skryla threw me on her back and started flying away,

"Y/n?" "What?"

We had that silent mental battle thing that siblings usually do and I gave up,

"FINE." "What?" "Well, my dear sister-in-law, your beloved boyfriend says I should go back to the ship."
"What? Hiccup, I love you, but really? Sending her back, now that's a whole new level of sibling rivalry."

I shrugged and waved her off,

"Eh, it's not that bad, he's actually pretty hot so I don't think I have a problem heading back."

They looked at me like I was crazy, which I probably was, but hey, it's just my opinion.

I ignored them and flew back towards the ship, landing and taking the crew by surprise,

"Well what ya doing back, fine lass?"

"The name's Y/n." "Really? What changed your mind about not giving me your name."

I shrugged and looked away blushing,

"You're an exception and only because you're the hottest dragon trapper I've ever met."

He laughed at me and somehow snaked his arm around my waist and planted a tiny kiss on my temple,

"Welcome aboard, hottest dragon rider I've ever met."

The smirk and seduction in his tone was such a turn on, wait, damn it, I'm definitely ending up in his bed tonight.

But then again, it really is not such a bad thing...is it?

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