Krishna eats

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Krishna can eat the whole universe but fearing that some would criticize Him for being a glutton, He eats only a little of each food preparation that is offered to Him. Let’s see the detailed preparations that Krishna eats.

Many different types of excellent preparations are made using pumpkin, potato, kachu, and radish. One preparation uses mustard, ginger, and bitter leaves fried in mustard oil.

Small pieces of eggplant are also cooked with Mung dal patties, ground ginger, and pieces of coconut fried in mustard oil, to produce a tasty dish.

Small pieces of eggplant, yam, kakarola, banana flower, mana-kachu, patalo, and white pumpkin are dried, skewered, and deep-fried to make another dish.

Eggplant, green banana, coconut, chick peas and mung dal patties are mixed and pepper and sugar are added to produce two different dishes, one spicy and the other sweet.

A soup with excellent aroma is also prepared from beans mixed with coconut and prthu root, mixed with lots of ghee, hing, ginger, and raw sugar.

Finely ground coconut is mixed with sugar syrup, milk, and mung dal to make one another dish, and cardamon, clove, pepper, hing, and ginger are mixed to make mung soup- a second soup.

Another soup (third soup) is also made using skinned mung beans, boiled and mixed with milk, and spiced with cardamon, clove, pepper, hing, and sugar.

A fourth soup is also prepared from husked beans and chopped radish with lots of ghee, hing, and pepper.

Another preparation involves selecting the hearts of the best banana and chopping the banana flowers finely, discarding the fibers. It is then cooked with milk, hing, and pepper. This dish is called Marica.

Chopping up arbi and radish finely and skinning unripe jackfruit, another dish is prepared. It is then cooked with dal patties, hing, pepper, and other spices.

Bottle gourd is sliced in long fine strips and is boiled in water and milk, while continuing stirring, till it thickens. Adding sugar, pepper, cumin, hing, and other spices, another delicious dish is prepared.

Taking ripe pumpkin and chopping it finely, frying it in mustard oil, spicing it with ginger, hing, and anise, and mixing it with thickened buttermilk, a sour yogurt dish is also prepared.

another preparation, radish and puru are cut in circles and cooked in yogurt and black sugar. Mixed with tamarind, another sour preparation is made.

Chickpea flour, yogurt, turmeric, and citron juice are mixed and formed into soft, attractive balls known as kanjika-bati.

Green mango mixed with mustard seeds, and fried in ghee, produces another sweet preparation. Ripe mango mixed with water, sugar, and milk produces a sweet and sour preparation.

Roasted sesame mixed with dry mango produces another sour preparation and toasted sesame with cinnamon makes another dish. Green and ripe mangoes are mixed with sweetened milk and hing to produce more sour dishes.

Cakes are prepared from coconut, rice, roasted sesame, and milk. Warm filtered water is poured over these and are left covered. Then, condensed milk is added. This preparation is called Chitra.

Cream mixed with pepper, camphor, and raw sugar is formed into huge balls known as sara-dugdha-kupi. Using mund-dhal and other ingredients, various pistakas are made.

Sweets such as jilavika, mathahari, puru, pupa, gaja, nada and saraswati are also made. Also are made kharcura, dadimaka, sarkara- pala-mukta, and ladduka.

Laddus are made from condensed and curdled milk. Manohara, hamsakeli, sobharika, daibada, ghola-bada, attakeli, and veni (wheat noodles cooked in milk) are some varieties of Laddus.

 Manohara, hamsakeli, sobharika, daibada, ghola-bada, attakeli, and veni (wheat noodles cooked in milk) are some varieties of Laddus

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Chandrakanti, lalita, amrtapuli, and other sweets are also made. Yogurt, butter, buttermilk, milk, sarabhaji, srikhanda, and other edibles, and many excellent drinks are also made.

All these food preparations are served with rich aromatic white rice, soaked in ghee. All these are served with ghee, slices of lemon, pickles, ginger, mango, mustard sauce, and other such condiments. Huge jugs of water are also served which is scented with camphor.

In this way, innumerable preparations with enticing aromas are prepared, arranged, and served beautifully on the dining table, placing them on jeweled and golden trays for the pleasure of Krishna. Mother Yashoda and Rohini arranges to serve food in proper order and Krishna eats them in that order. Whatever Krishna begins tasting, He is unable to resist eating it. And though He wants to eat all of the preparation, and has the ability to do so, out of fear of onlookers andcriticism of being a glutton, Krishna tastes only a little of each preparation.

Lord Krishna begins by eating payasa (sweet milk rice). By eating this payasa, Krishna silently says in His mind ‘’Delicious, Delicious!’’. There are many preparations in huge quantities and Krishna wants to eat them all. He thus takes some amount of all the preparations and thus starts eating the main course, beginning with spinach.

While eating, Krishna makes His companion laugh with His sweet humorous words, saying ‘’Eat, eat, don't leave anything’’, thus giving deep pleasure to each one of His associates.

Taking a little rice, Krishna eats each vegetable prepared with it. But His greed for each item cannot be satisfied. While praising each of His favorite cakes and milk sweets, He eats them all and pretends to be satisfied.

Though Mother Yashoda and Rohini say, ‘’Eat more, Eat more’’, He gives a show of being full, though internally He is never satisfied. Finally, washing His lotus feet, hands, and mouth, and then wiping them, Krishna takes tambula and spices and lays down on a soft bed for some time.

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