Chapter 33: Garou vs Nightraid - Part 2

Start from the beginning

Garou snorted when he heard them, retreat on his watch? It won't be that easy. He was about to go after Najenda again when water started surrounding him. Garou narrowed his eyes and looked at Sai, he began to get annoyed by him, this was the second time he interrupts him. Sai smirked seeing Garou's face not realizing the danger he was in, he spoke "Don't be in a hurry, let's play a little."

"Be careful, He is extremely dangerous and vicious" Leone said as she got closer. She still remembered her beating from the last time.

Gato stared at Garou with red eyes, to him Garou was the reason he couldn't avenge his brother. He hated Garou second only Kurome. Susanoo retrieved his mace and came back to encircle Garou alongside the others.

"Do you think a group of weaklings can stop me? Once I'm done with you, it will be that bitch turn" Garou said.

"We will not allow you touch boss even if we died here" Leone said with determination.

"Big words from an ant. What about this... by the end of the day your boss..." Garou paused for a moment and looked at them then his smirk widened as he pointed at Gato as he said cruelly "That axe will find a sheath in her body."

The assassins eyes hardened hearing his words, they won't allow Garou to have his way no matter what. Sai used the water to attack Garou from all direction and blocking Garou's vision, so his teammates attack become more effective. Garou rotated around destroying the water attacks around him. When he was done, Susanoo was upon him with his mace again. Unlike the last time, Garou didn't block the mace but attacked Susanoo's arms directly. Garou's arms blurred around Susanoo's arms before anyone could realize what happened, Susanoo's arms shattered like glass.

Susanoo looked with shock at Garou, who narrowed his eyes in return. Garou proceeded to punch Susanoo's head with enough force that the head exploded to pieces just like his arms. Under the horrified eyes of the Nightraid's assassins, Susanoo's headless and armless body fell on the ground with a thud sound.

"YOU BASTARD!" Gato charged angrily toward Garou, he swang his axe with all of his might. Still, before it could connect, Garou's fist slammed his face breaking his teeth and nose. Gato body flew and slammed into the rocks, his body was planted in the rocks as he was knocked out cold. Leone gritted her teeth and used her single arm to carry a huge rock and threw it with all of her might toward Garou.

Garou laughed as he redirected the incoming rock toward Sai with one of his hands while the other punched the rock shattering it to pieces. The result was small stones moving as if they were bullets. Sai tried to block, but he could only prevent few as the rest pierced his body. He screamed in pain as he fell down.

Garou looked at the shocked Leone and said "Am I the only one getting a deja vu here? You again is the last one standing against me"

Leone clenched her fist, she knew this battle was hopeless, but she refused to go down without trying at least. Just when she was to make one last desperate attack, she noticed Akame approaching them at full speed while carrying Mine on her back. Mine was pointing her gun at Garou.

Leone took a deep breath and steeled her eyes jumping at Garou if she could take all of his attention and get hit by Mine, then even if she died, it would be still worth it. Sadly for her, Garou noticed the change in her behaviour and the direction she looked at for instant. He knew another sneak attack coming his way. But he kept smiling without showing any sign of noticing it.

When Leone got closer to him, Mine shot her energy toward his back. The bullet was travelling with amazing speed, adding the relatively small distance separating them, it was near Garou almost instantly. Mine smiled as she shot, she was sure she was going to hit Garou. However, her smiling face turned into a horrified one almost immediately.

Garou suddenly rotated around with abnormal speed. The bullet, which was about to him moved with him as if it was single body then separated from him and continued toward Leone. The shot cut her remaining arm from the shoulder or shredded it for lack of better term. Leone fell on ground as Garou turned to look at the shocked Akame and Mine, he raised his hand which had lines of thin smoke coming from it.

"How cruel of you! Shooting your own friend. Assassins really are merciless group of bastards." Garou said mockingly.

"YOU FUCKER!" Mine cursed out loud.

"YOU BASTARD!" Tatsumi voice rang out from above.

Garou and everyone turned toward the voice, Tatsumi was sitting on top of a flying beast alongside Lubbock and Najenda. He was about to jump, but Najenda stopped him. She couldn't allow another one to fall under the hands of Garou.

The beast descended down as Najenda observed the sight with anger. Susanoo, Gato, Sai and Leone were injured by Garou. She had no doubt if Akame, Mine and Tatsumi were to attack him now, then they will join the rest. She took a deep breath then looked at Susanoo's body and said "Activate Trump card 'Magatama Manifestation'"

She fell on her knees as she felt her life force seeping away. On the ground, Susanoo's body started floating, and the shattered pieces started reattaching itself. Afterwards, Susanoo went under a transformation, his upper body became more muscular and naked, while his eyes turned golden and his hair to silver with purple shade. His mace became a long heavy sword.

"So this is your trump card? I guess it is similar to Koro's trump card. Increase in speed and strength, or maybe you have something else to show me?" Garou smirked seeing the transformation.

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