Chapter 23: Night Raid Receives the News

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Night Raid Receives the News

Garou went back to the orphanage after his display before the young emperor, he was not someone who takes joy in hurting or scaring children. Still, the boy was way too foolish and naive. Garou saw the concern in the boy eyes toward Esdeath injuries and the boy overcoming his fear to stand for his fallen subordinate. Garou concluded the boy was not bad at heart, just naive and easy to manipulate and very weak physically.

Garou pitied the boy a little, being a tool used by others to achieve their ends while believing he is doing the right thing, all the blame was put on his shoulders without even knowing it.

Some might say if he really pitied him, then he should just get rid of those bad apples around him. But Garou was no hero, he wouldn't do such a thing, moreover, if he hypothetically did it, he would just be allowing others to come and control the boy. The boy should seek strength and stand on his own.

Garou wanted the boy to see that his words and standing are not as important as he was told. If he sought to learn and develop his own capabilities for the betterment of himself and his people, then he is going to be a good emperor in the future, if not then let his destiny decided by fate, he simply won't be worth the trouble of being helped.

Garou had simple thoughts regarding the whole matter, he didn't want to think about it nor had the capacity, for now as he had much greater trouble to deal with. After he came back to the orphanage, he was surprised by a united squad of children and angry nun tackling him. Some of them were happy to see him, others angry and some crying.

"Are you okay? You are not injured, right?" Himiko asked with concern. While Ari was stuck herself to his leg and cried "I thought I won't see you again"

The rest had similar reactions, Garou couldn't help but smile a little and wonder if they saw him back in his world with holes and cuts spreading all over his body, the blood raining down like fountain, how would they react?

Well, Garou being Garou replied in a casual manner breaking the whole emotional situation "I feel insulted, to think you thought I might be hurt by a weakling."

"But you fought against the empire's strongest !" Himiko said

"Previously strongest, I won. Now I'm the strongest. Anyway, I'm hungry, Make me some food!" Garou said casually.

At the same time in Night raid hideout, the assassins sat in the main hole with troubled faces. Tatsumi and the others already informed them of what happened in the capital. The three did not witness the entire battle in detail but seeing the fast exchange of blows at the beginning and the aftermath and destruction they caused.

Two Monsters fought against each other, the speed they showed just in the initial exchange was slightly above Akame, the fastest assassin amongst them. Followed by the destruction of the arena and stadium then the huge Ice mountain dropping from the sky before getting shattered mid-air. They didn't know how the two did it, but the side damage alone could flatten an entire army.

On the throne, the night raid leader, Najenda, was sitting with clenched fists. She knew Esdeath was monster, she had experienced it first hand when Esdeath dug her eye out and cut her arm. If someone asked her to fight Esdeath 1 vs 1, then Najenda would unhesitatingly refuse.

Even after a few years, she still feared Esdeath traumatized by her to this day. But now, when she heard the man, her subordinates got beaten by a few times and she has been investigating for the past few weeks, had met Esdeath and fought against her surprised her. She even thought at the beginning if he didn't die, he might join their cause with some persuasive and promises.

But the reality was a bitter pill of continuous disappointments, her subordinates informed her that the man not only fought against Esdeath and what could be described in a legendary battle. He defeated her without sustaining any notable injuries, he defeated the monster that she feared the most, the monster that causes the revolutionary tens of thousands of lives losses, the monster that was the main reason why they still didn't dare to attack the imperial capital until this moment.

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