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What is the difference between
Love and hate
When in both you have
To hurt the other......


What!? Niki said
Oh no i need to go in 3rd floor please hyung please he added.

But why Nishu Riki asked
They have mother they will kill her if i try to run from them niki said

What really!? Riki said in shock because his father said that the war  happen 10 year's ago in that their mother dead

Yeah hyung i need to go now niki said
But every floor only have enter you can't go again in 3rd floor after coming out from there jungwon said

Shit it's can't be happen why i don't know what to feel now should I feel happy that I finally found my brother or sad that I'm about to lost my mother niki said

Shu if they didn't kill you and your mother in those 10 year's because they need something from you so how long you are alive and save they can't kill your mother jungwon said

How can I trust you niki said
You can't trust me then trust on your brother. You can trust on him jungwon said

Okay i trust you but promise me you will save her niki said

Yeah we promise jungwon and Riki they both said at same time

Fro some reason jungwon felt really really happy knowing that niki trust on him that he can save his mother and jungwon Don't want to break his trust and he will never be break his trust.

Hmm so you know anything about 4th floor guardian jungwon asked

Yeah we talk sometime he is here from like 3 years niki said

Hmm what's his name is Riki asked

Ohh yeah his name is Kim sunoo niki said
What!? But how long i know 4th floor guardian are from Lee family then why here is Kim Riki asked

Why what's wrong with Kim niki said
Ohh nothing is wrong but still Riki said

But he is capricious and stubborn so i don't think he will let us go to 5th floor that easily niki said

Oh okay thanks for this information hmm jungwon cut off by niki

Hehee you can call me niki hyung niki said

Jungwon just smile at him
Okay so let's go towards 4th floor's door we don't have to much time Riki said

Yeah let's go niki Said


aaa I'm so tired of living here i want to go home my beautiful body will be a waste leaving here sunoo said

I want to continue my Prince life i also want to marry a really handsome prince who deserves a Beauty like me aaaa what the f*** you are thinking now sunoo he said to himself

And then the door open sunoo looked back to see who the hell come to ruin his beautiful moments well not really beautiful moments but still

Who the hell are you? Sunoo said


That's it's i hope you all like this chapter

Well today is holiday so double update yeahhhhh

And tell me if you all like the quote which I write on top you can't believe I'm the one who write this one i mean made this one i really like it so i thought to share with you all so tell me if you like it or not

And i really forget about my another book painkiller I we update one chepter today if i have time but still I really sorry about that 😭😭

And thanks for 100+ reader i can't believe really I'm so so happy well i really don't thought that you all going to like it or not but still if something you don't like in this story then please tell me i will try to do my best on that
But if i like something and then you tell me that you don't like that then it's your problem i can't do anything about that 😔 but anyways i hope you all going to like this story as much i like so byee

Take care of yourself sunshine's 🤗🤗
Love you all ❤️❤️


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