Nine: returned

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Camillia and I recently moved in together on the upper deck, still the same dorm as mine, but she needed a spare. I happily let her stay in mine while she took the top bunk. She moved everything in and started unpacking while I wrote a bit in my journal that I was given by Condo.

"July 14th, 2023,

After getting kicked out of my temporary home, I would call it, I found out Steph had her own Kay'aya as well, seeming she had more experience than anyone, even Molly if she were still around. Also, I met some other female Kay'aya named Panti. She's one of the guards of Kai's parents, maybe himself once he's leader. I've been thinking for quite some time now if he's ever going to find his chosen one, after all, it's his decision. I really hope he does in the future. But if he doesn't, his parents are most likely going to do it for him. I hope he finds himself the right Kay'aya soon enough, he would be a great leader. Though, I could've been his chosen, if we never fought. I do feel bad with fighting with him. He does have a point. Why blame the one who made us? The one who created us? Dang it. I'm losing it. I'm losing myself at this job.

Savanna Govrive."

I was losing myself. Thinking I was one of those creatures. I lean back in my chair as I still stare at where I finished writing. What about my future? I never thought about getting married, nor having any relationship. I don't want that. But, I'll do anything for Kai's attention, even if it's just waving or nodding my head to show respect to him, not just because he's going to be leader. I turn to Camilla who was carrying a box. She put it next to her own desk, which was on the other side of the room from my desk.

"Need help?" I chuckled as I stood up from my chair to look at her. She looked embarrassed as she rotated her body towards me. "No, I can do it myself." she said somewhat quietly, but loud enough for me to hear and I wasn't complaining with that. I nod. "Is that everything?" I asked as I came next to her. She still remained crouched but refused to look at me. "I hope so." she began ruffling in her box, many open ones of things needed for the lab and for the dorm. "Hey, when are you getting your alien?" I asked raising one eyebrow.

She looked at me and slowly stood up. "U-uh.. I don't really know.. does it hurt?" she asked barely looking at me. I chuckled quietly. "No, just nauseous and dizziness, it will go away once you get into your body." I say turning back to my desk. I heard her sigh with relief. "You have nothing to worry about, Camillia." I reassure her as she goes back to unpacking.


The sun shines in my eyes. I squint my eyes. I must've slept over at Steph's hideout. I slowly raise my body as I look over. Steph sleeps peacefully on the ground of the tree trunk, not seeming to care that she has no bed. My back started to hurt after a few seconds, I slowly got up and left. I looked around my surroundings, everything looked so new in the dawn. I heard sounds of Ordies and creatures I have yet to discover.

I hear ruffling noises next to me. I turn my head, looking where I saw the sound as I rotated my body towards the sound I heard. My ears perked up so I could get a better sense. I can still hear it, but it stopped. I moved towards the sound, shaking slightly. I looked deeply into the forest. I couldn't see anything. I slowly turned my body behind me after realizing it was probably just some type of animal tricking me. I gasped to see Kai standing in front of me with a bow. I fell to the ground and looked up at him.

How did he know where I was?

He tilted his head, and squinted his eyes. I stayed quiet, then spoke up. "Kai? How did you find me?" I asked. "I didn't mean too, but I thought you looked familiar." he spoke fluently. He reached out his arm and I extended my hand to grab it. He stood me up and I looked at him. "What are you doing out here? Don't you know it's dangerous?" he asked almost concerned. "You banished me." I remind him.

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