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001.6. August 18th, 2009. SOS.

Iris was backing away from everyone afraid before she backed up into the wall. Valeria only watched seeming amused by this. "Can I be the one to kill her? I've never actually killed anyone before." She asked.

Kushiro looked to her with his eyebrows knitted together in a confused expression. "I'm glad they cancelled you." He added and shook his head.

Valeria groaned. "I still have no idea what you mean by that!" She added annoyed and crossed her arms.

Iris had looked at her hands starting to notice how weak she felt now. "I.. I don't feel so good.." She added and suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Aidan backed up. "Alright, you guys have fun with that, you got me fucked up if you think I'm waiting around to turn into a zombie too." He claimed and grabbed the arm of Valeria. "We still gotta go to Paris." He added to her and looked over at her.

Aidan would never admit it for the life of him but, he loved that Valeria was still wearing his hoodie he gave to her.

Valeria nodded. "Right." She added and had held his hand to walk down the stairs with him before they saw a bunch of zombies. "Shit.. seriously?" She added and sighed as they walked back up the stairs.

As they came up the witnessed Enenra stabbing her katana into the guts of Iris and dragging the blade up through her body to split her head in half.

Valeria's jaw dropped for a few moments of silence before she spoke with a wide smile. "Badass, dude." She added to Enenra.

Serendipity sighs to walk past Valeria and Aidan towards the downstairs. "Oh, be careful, there's a bunch of—" Valeria begins before Serpentine opens the door and sees the zombies to immediately take one out with her bow. "—zombies.." Valeria finished.

Valeria sighed but, watched as everyone else joined her to help kill the zombies now. Aidan looked to Valeria and grabbed her hand. "Guess we're fist fighting zombies today." He added jokingly.

Valeria shrugged. "I could actually do that. I used to be a wrestler, you know?" She added to him and he raised an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah? One of the actors from WWE or something real like MMA?" He asked her a bit mockingly.

She placed her hands on her hips. "MMA, thank you." She added acting offended even if she wasn't. "I'll prove it." She offered and went to walk off before Aidan held her back by grabbing her arm and holding her back.

"Don't do that.." He let out with his voice sounding a bit more low than normal. "You could get bit." He added with his voice returning to normal by now.

Valeria looked up at him and looked back at the rest of them fighting the zombies. "Fine." She added to him and rolled her eyes. "It would've been badass, though." She claimed and looked up at him with a soft smile.

Aidan met her eyes and chuckled. "I'm sure it would've been." He assured her to let go of her arm and look back to the others.

After fighting off all of the zombies within the separate room, they welcomed Valeria and Aidan back in. They both nodded to walk in with them.

The room was dark with only the slight rays of sunshine pooling into the room from in between the spaces of the ripped blinds on the windows. The ground was cemented and dirty with the fresh blood of recently slaughtered zombies.

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