Y/N watched Total Drama before, she knows the competitors but has never seen these two before, wasn't Y/N the only new person picked judging by the email and Chris's reaction? She had a bad feeling about those two.


A while passed and it was getting too awkward for Y/N, everyone else was chatting away. Gwen and Heather were arguing, Owen was freaked out about flying and DJ was comforting him. But the quiet and cold atmosphere between the purple-haired and brunet-haired was making it really awkward, especially since Y/N was sitting right in the middle of them.

And no way is Y/N gonna try to strike up a conversation with them. Well, she didn't need to cause the bus finally stopped, Y/N peeked out the window and spotted a worn-out gray plane waiting outside, and she let out a sigh of relief.

Chris got out and told everyone to do the same. Slowly, everyone was getting out as he introduced outside, Y/N saw some people fall off the bus in the process and couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we're adding three new competitors!" Chris exclaimed, holding up three fingers,

"He's an honor roll student with a diplomat for a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off of most species, Alejandro!" Chris exclaimed and out walked Alejandro, taking off his sunglasses and smirked at the camera.

"Perhaps I can assist," He said as he helped Brigette and Izzy back onto their feet, Brigette blushed

"I..I have a boyfriend!" Bridgette quickly said, stepping back.

"And amigos." Alejandro said, offering a hand for Tyler and Ezekiel who were lying on the ground.

"Wowie." Ezekiel muttered.

"I like girls." Tyler suddenly said,

"And she a super addicted super fan with 16 Total Drama blogs, Sierra!" Chris exclaimed once more and pointed to the door where Sierra quickly came out.

16 Total Drama blogs? She wasn't kidding about being a diehard fan

"Oh my gosh, I love you guys! And this is the greatest day of my life! EEEK! Anyone got a paper bag I can breathe into?" Sierra said all in one breath, clearly excited.

Sierra's eyes widened as she saw Cody, she squealed. "Oh my gosh, Cody! I've dreamt about this moment only you weren't wearing a shirt"

Cody looked confused yet terrified.

"And...um, what's her name?" Chris wondered out loud. A few people laughed as Y/N felt embarrassed, not wanting to come out. Chef whispered in his ear before leaving.

"Unfortunately, Chef didn't do any background check for this competitor so she gotta introduce herself," Chris said. A wave of humiliation nearly drowned Y/N as she walked out of the bus,

"Hey, I'm Y/N!" She simply said, not sure what to add about her that people cared enough for.

Suddenly the ground began to shake as the gray plane started to approach them.

"Um, excuse me but I like to express some concern about the safety of our plane." Courtney said, sounding worried.

"Relax, it's perfectly safe," Chris reassured her, but as if it was on cue a piece of metal from the plane came loose and fell. "Now boarding!"

"No! I can't go ride in that!" Owen began freaking out. "Call the United Nations! Call the cab! Call my mom! No, I'm not doing this, I'm out! This is unethical-"

Chris hit Owen with a frying pan, knocking him out cold. Y/N and a few other people winched at that action.

"Anyone else have a problem?" Chris asked annoyed. Everyone shook their head. "Now boarding on a voyage to a million big ones! We're saving you a first-class seat for all the action, right here on Total Drama World Tour!"



So...how did you like the first chapter?

Since I go to school now, I will try to update 1 or 2 times a week for you guys <3


Word Count: 1,771


𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗠𝗬 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛 𝗕𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗙𝗜𝗧𝗦, AlejandroWhere stories live. Discover now