En Garde! A Chaotic Tea Party Awaits!

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Asuka POV

"Miss Asuka, wait!" Zen and the others followed me as I left the room. "My brother said something that angered you didn't he? You don't have to worry about it, he's always been like that." Zen explained.

"If you say so..." I replied. "What happened after I left?" I questioned.

"My brother summoned Shirayuki..." Zen stated.

"Shirayuki?" I asked in surprise. "I can guess what the conversation is about already." I sighed. "They frown upon Shirayuki hanging out with you, isn't it?"

"I will visit her and make sure she's alright." Zen clenched his fists.

"I'm grateful my sister has a friend like you." I smiled. "And you guys as well." I turned to Mitsuhide and Kiki.

"Say Miss Asuka, would you want to spar with us? It would help let out your frustration." Mitsuhide offered. He led the way to a empty patch of grass with some weapons.

"Here, use this sword." Kiki handed me a training weapon.

"Alright, come at me!" Zen stated. I did as was told, but Zen blocked it easily.

"Oof!" I was able to land few more attacks, but I ended up falling to the ground.

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it." Mitsuhide said as I dusted dirt off.

"If you have time to spar, would you care to spar against me?" a figure approached us. Izana!

"S-spar against you?" I pointed to myself. Me? Sparring with Izana?

"It would be my honour." Izana led the way to an indoor sparring place.


"You seem displeased." Izana said as we got into position.

"Of course I am, you temporarily revoked Zen's jurisdiction of Fort Laxter." I replied, attempting to strike an attack.

"Why does it bother you so?" Izana blocked my attack easily.

"It's because of me and my sister right?" I parried his attack.

"Indeed, Zen has become an incompetent prince." Izana replied as he landed a strike. It's true, we're of different social classes, but he didn't have to say it like that.

I landed on the floor, unable to block the attack. Izana was truly skilled.

"I would ask you kindly not to insult me and my sister. Besides, it's not fair ..." I replied. "Just because he's a prince he can't have friends... he seems lonely... I'm sure you feel the same way." I got in my stance again and ran at Izana with an attack.

"It appears you don't understand the whole story." Izana blocked the attack. "I revoked Zen's jurisdiction for his sake."

"However do you mean?" I asked.

"Due to the incident, more enemies have attacked Fort Laxter, beyond the level Zen could handle." Izana stated. "I'll return it to him once matters have been settled."

"You should have said that sooner." I feinted my attack before thrusting my sword angrily at him.

"Hmm not bad, but too slow." Izana dodged the attack.

"Since when did he -" I gasped as I felt a sword knock me from behind.

"Shall we call it a day, Asuka?" Izana lowered his sword and extended a hand towards me.

"I suppose we shall." I accepted his hand. I glanced at his real sword in his sheath.

"The sword, it's a beauty isn't it?" Izana unsheathed the sword from his belt to show me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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