"Mac, just rest a second, please."

He nods in response.

I approach the bookshelf first. Dusty covers line the shelves. I pull one down, blowing off the dust blanket.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" By Mark Twain

I look down on the cover. A small, scrawny blonde boy hides behind half a white painted picket fence. I've never held a story. I've never held the life of what once was. My hand trembles as I open the cover. I gasp.

First published in 1876

This copy was published in 1999, still over a century away from today. Gently, I examine the rest of the exterior. The book is in quality shape, although I don't dare to be rough.

My eyes shift upward, discovering more stories of lives once lived and once dreamed. A strap hangs off the top of the wooden bookcase. I cautiously pull it down. I grin. A satchel made from fine leather. It's ancient, but it's sturdy. As if on reflex, my hand finds my pocket. Inside I feel the seed, the coin, and the photograph. In my waistband, my scavenged treasures lie.

Making my way to the bed, I notice the sheets are still in tack. The sheets are yellowed and musty. I tear a piece off. I turn to see everyone watching me, but I don't mind. I have treasures that need taking care of. First, I wrap the book in the first sheet. I tear off another piece of sheet, thus wrapping my three main treasures safely. Finally, I take the box of ammunition, the map, the canteen, the letter, the knife, and the gun and place them before me.

"I think we should all see what we've scavenged before getting more." I say.

Mac nods, "I agree." He stands up and walks over to me. Adalene, Claire, and Meghan gather their things and follow his lead.

In his own separate pile, Mac lays down his findings. The others do the same.

"Here's how it's going to work," Mac pauses, "Avery will share her findings, I will go next, followed by Adalene, Claire, and finally Meghan."

I close my eyes, and open them just as quickly.

"I found a box of ammunition of-," I pause and shake open the box to find fifteen bullets, "fifteen bullets." I say.

Adalene nods, motioning to the rest of my pile.

"Next I found a map of coordinates, a canteen, a letter, a small knife, and an unloaded gun."

Mac looks at the satchel. "What's in there?" he asks.

"Some small personal items, to which are not your concern." I say sarcastically.

Mac smiles at my response. "I found a pocket knife, another canteen, five bullets, a round metal container, and a gun."

"Where did you find the gun?" I ask.

"In the water," he looks at me, "When the men blindfolded us, I believe they took some of our packs."

It made sense. Of course the soldiers would search through our supplies. They wouldn't leave it to waste.

"So, some of our supplies could be on the beach right now?" I find that I'm talking to myself out loud.

"Actually, Mac's right." Adalene says. "Claire, Meghan, and I found one of our food packs. Things are missing, but at least we have food and water." With this, Adalene takes out the smallest of the three "sack packs" we constructed before termination. "We need to conserve it." she implies.

"What else did you find?" Mac asks.

"Other than the food, I found a weapon." She smiles as she reaches for her belt. Hooked on the side, is a dagger. She unsheathes it. I gulp in exclamation. I recognize the dagger. The engravings form a silver design on the side. I look closer. Stars. It belonged to the General.

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